Chapter forty two {Louis POV}

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The rest of the week I find myself walking around the house whenever Harry isn't there. I walk from the living room to the kitchen, to our room, and back again. It started of slowly, step by step, but now that I'm getting the hang of it, my walks slowly turn into little hops, and before I know it I find myself doing the waltz. My mom taught me how to do it when I was a kid, and I passed the skill onto Harry. There were even days I would come home from work, and find mum and Harry dancing in the living room. It was adorable really. I look around me, and I notice that I'm standing exactly where they had their little ball. A pain goes through my chest.. I really miss her.. the amount of physical pain I have endured kind of covered that feeling up, but now that I'm feeling better, and all these big life events are happening, the pain of missing her comes right back...

The hospital asked if Harry and I could come over, and after that we are going to meet our surrogate. The hospital probably wants to run another test or something. I had to go there Monday too. But they didn't seem to worried so I guess everything's fine.

'Haz baby.. Hurry up we have to go!'
'Yea coming babe. Be right there!'
'What is even taking you so long??'

I roll myself to our room to find Harry in his skinny jeans and dress shirt, still styling his hair.

'It looks great haz.... what are you doing?'
'It's so messy! I need my hair to be perfect.. this is a big moment for us, and my hair is messing it up!'
'Harry stop it looks amazing.. what are you talking about?? You love your hair!'
'Well I don't anymore! It's in the way and I should probably just cut it off.. just like you.'
'Harry no you cannot!'
'Well.... if you cut it of I have nothing to pull on at night...'
'Lou! Jezus Christ...'

I chuckle at the sight of Harry, who isn't sure if he is supposed to be turned on, or laughing really hard.

'It's a jokeee... you look good when you blush tho...'
'I- I- ' he mutters before he starst laughing.

'Now lets go okay? The doctors want to see us..'
'Oh yes thats right..'

When we arrive at the hospital we make out way op to our doctors office and knock on the door.

'Hello, yes come in please.. have a seat.'

'I called you in here because I have some unfortunate news to tell you..'
I feel the colour draining from my face as I ask what's wrong.
'We did some tests the other day... and it was all clear. Nothing is wrong with your health..'
'However?' Harry asks
'However.. Louis can't have kids.. he got infertile.. probably because of the medicine he was on, or possibly because of surgery..'
'Oh... I...' I mutter sinds I'm not sure how to respond...
'I wanted to tell you this before the meeting with your surrogate. I could leave the room if you want me too? Give you two a minute alone.'
'Uhm.. yea thank you..'

The doctor walks out of the room and then Harry puts his arms around me.

'I'm so sorry Lou.... we don't have to do this.. we could just adopt a baby?'
'No.. no I want your baby Haz.. and you want your own kids.. its okay... Ill treat your baby like my own..'
'You are just as much their dad as I am okay?'
'Thank you... I... I'm just a bit shocked is all...'
'I understand.. we could go home if you want... meet up with the surrogate later?'
'No. No i want to meet her.. in fact, we should go... its getting late.'

It wasn't getting late.. we had plenty of time, but I just wanted to get out of here. I don't want to think about the fact that the baby we are having won't be mine... the kid might love me just as much as Harry, but in the end he is the father.. not me....

'Yea okay...  lets go baby.. I love you..'
'I love you too'

We make our way to the cafe we met up. We wait for about ten minutes when a lady about my height walks up to us.

'Are you Louis and Harry?'
'Hi yes I'm harry and this is Louis.'
'Happy to meet you, my name is Sarah...'
'Nice to meet you Sarah... please sit...'

We spend the next couple of hours getting to know each other. Sarah is just lovely. He is thirty years old, and has been pregnant two times before. Once of her own child, and once as a surrogate.

'Would you want to be a part of the baby's life? Harry asks.
'It's up to you guys... I don't have to be there everyday.. but I would love some pictures from time to time?'
'Of course! You could be cool aunt Sarah.' I chuckle.
'Sounds great!'
'May I ask about why you are in a wheel chair?'
'Of course.. I got into a pretty bad car accident a few months ago..'
'I'm so sorry to hear that..'
'He jumped onto the road to save a little kid running after his bal.. he did save the child.. but he himself was less lucky..'
'Oh my god Louis! That's really brave of you.. you know what?'
'You are going to be a great dad....'
'So you mean..?'
'Yes I'll carry your baby.... could we stay in touch during the pregnancy?'
'Of course! We will be there with every ultrasound! Just.. call when you need anything at all, we will be right here!'

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking, drinking tea and filling out forms about the surrogacy. When the evening falls we both go home, and Harry and I decide to watch a movie on the couch cuddling.

'Yes Lou?'
'We should get married in week twelve of the pregnancy... so we can tell everybody about the baby as a sort of wedding gift..'
'That's in about three and a half months... can we plan a whole wedding in that time?'
'Of course we can baby.. you and me is all that matters.. everything extra is a gift...'
'Your right Lou... lets do it. I can take tomorrow of work, to start making wedding plans?
'Yes I'd love that..'

I snuggle up to Harry, and it doesn't take long before I fall asleep listening to his heartbeat..

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