Chapter seventeen {Harrys POV}

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When Louis and I get home Johannah is sitting on the couch.

'Mister Horan just called me.. I know about what happened. I'm so Happy for you Harry that you are finally getting out if there!'
'Thank you Johannah.. I'm happy too...'
'Mum... I beat that kid up.. are you mad at me?' Louis asks.

'If you had beaten any kid up I would have been mad.. yea.. but this was Simon. He was hurting Harry, so its okay. As long as you dont beat up random kids.'

'I would never mom... I swear..'
'I know Honey, I know'

Johannah huggs me and Louis, and then starts making dinner.

'Shall we go to our room?'

Louis and I go to our room and just hold each other for a while.

'When we go to that school.. I want to hold your hand... I want to show everyone we're together.. I want you.. is that okay?'
'Lou... I want you too... yes. Please hold my hand.'

I kiss him deeply and I then Lay my head on his chest.
I hear his heart beat... its so fast. I giggle.

'You're heartbeat is all over the place honey... what's that about huh?'
'You make me Happy Hazza.. thats what its all about. You make me feel like I could do anything with you by my side... I was thinking about all the things we could do and I guess... I just got very excited...'

'Dinner is ready boys!' Johannah calls to us from the living room.

We walk into the room.

'What are we having for dinner mum?'
'Home made lasagna... I hope you like it Harry..'
'I love lasagna!' I take the first bite.

It's sooo good!

'Oh good god Johannah.. this is amazing!'
'Thank you dear'

We all start to eat and Johannah continues:

'So Mister Horan and his son are coming to pick you up tomorrow right?'
'Yes.. he is such a nice man!'
'Yea... he has been working at this school for a few years now.. he has always been there if I wanted to talk.. unlike other teachers and students..'
'Did you ever meet his son Harry?'
'Uhm I think I've seen him in mister Horans office a couple of times.. Niall is his name I think. He seems like a nice boy..'
'What year is he in?'
'He's in my year.'
'I wish I was in your year haz'
Me too... but its okay.. its only two years.. not like there's a life time between us.. as soon as we get into collage we will be in mixed classes... '

'I don't think I'm going to collage Harry.. i rather just start my life after this year..'
'Ohw okay. Then you'll be free! What do you want to do then?'
'I was thinking I could get a job in a music studio.. I always kind of liked Music..'
'Can you sing?'
'I like singing.. but I'm not that good'

Johannah Laughs.
'What do you mean Louis? I heard you in the shower.. you're really good..'
'Can you sing Harry?'
'I dont know.. I eh never had the opportunity to sing.. there was always someone home..'
'If you're voice is as beautiful as you are, I might just die Haz.'
'Well its not so beautiful probably.. I can't sing. Unfortunately.'
'You never really tried Harry.. I think you should. Whenever you're alone, or if we're. Whatever you are comfortable with.'

After dinner Louis and I go to shower and then we go to bed.
When its all dark I cuddle up to Louis.

'What you said earlier... about us. And all the things we could do.. can you tell me about them?'

'Well when you get into collage, you and I could get our own appartment.. then you are eighteen.. and you dont need your parents legal permission anymore..'

'I'd love that.. and Louis?'

'Well uhm.. do you ever think about if you want kids when you're older?'
'All the time.. I want kids..two of them. Do you want kids?'
'More than anything.. but I'm afraid I'm going to end up like my father..'
'Dont Harry. You are nothing like him. All he does is work and abuse you. You would never abuse your kids. You are one of the most loveable persons I know!'

'You really think so? 
'I really do.'
'Would you ever consider adopting kids with me?
'Of course! I want to grow old with you.. I want to raise kids with you..'

'Louis.. you saved me. I want you to know that... I was seriously considering ending it all that day.. and then you showed up.. You gave me my will back, and a reason to live.... I can't thank you enough for that...'

'Please dont ever... end it... okay? I need you..'

'But you were fine without me.. you have your mum.. you two would have eachother and you could be with her.. she would see your kids grow up.. see them get married. And mayebe even become a grandma.. You and your mom.. you only need eachother...

Suddenly Louis looks like he is going to cry.

'Harry I- I-..'

And then tears stream down his face.

'Lou?? What's wrong? Talk to me.. please..'
'I can't do this Harry I can't...'
'Can't do what?'
'I can't lose her.. and I can't keep hiding this from you.. come with me.'

Louis pulls me into the livingroom where Johannah is still watching tv. As soon as she sees Louis she turns of the tv.

'Louis Baby what's wrong... I havent seen you cry in ages.'

I see Louis laying down, and putting his head on his mothers lap.

'What happened Harry?'

'I- I dont know he-'

'We have to tell him mum' Louis cries out.

'Ohw.. about.. why we moved here?'

Louis nods. And sits up.

'Please tell me what's going on... I'm getting scared..'

'Well ehm.. Louis and I used to live in Doncaster.. and about a year ago I started feeling sick and tired... so I went for a check up in the hospital and uhm..they..'

'They what??'
I feel my eyes swelling up.. I've got a feeling I know what's coming..'

'They told my I have breast cancer.. and I won't recover.. '

This is not fair... this is so unfair.. not Johannah.. poor Louis.. they don't deserve this..
I start crying.. and Johannah pulls us in for a hug.

'But its okay... It's going to be okay.... you have eachother. All I ever wanted is for Louis to be happy.. and he now is with you Harry..'
'How long have you got?' I sniff
'About two years..'

My heart drops... what I just said to Louis.. that he and his mom would grow old together.... I feel so bad... so bad.

'Do you want to stay up and talk about it?' Johanna asks.

Louis and I spent the next hour in the living room with Johannah, before she tells us to go to bed, because we have school in the morning. We both kiss Johanna on her forehead and go back to our room.

'Im so sorry for what I said loui I-'
'It's okay Haz.. you didn't know... can you just please hold me?'

I wrap my arms around Louis and intertwine our legs. Louis lays is head against my chest and cries himself to sleep.

'I promise I will be here for you Lou.. always' I whisper in his ear, before I fall asleep too.

{so heres chapter seventeen.. I'm so sad.. even though I'm the one writing it...

After this chapter they story will go a bit faster. I hope you like it so far.. please leave a comment and vote :)
All the love
A xx

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