Chapter twenty-eight {Harrys POV}

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I wake up with Louis on my chest. Poor baby. He looks so small and fragile like this. I wish I could do something for him.. but I'm completely defenceless...
Today Jay is going to pass away.. I can't get my head around it. It feel so unreal. Oh god.. I can't believe how hard this must be on him.
I dont want to get up, afraid I'm going to wake Lou.. its half past nine. Louis said the boys would be here at half past twelve... so I am just going to let him sleep for a bit.
After one and a half hours I gently massage his scalp with my fingers.
He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. God.. he kind of looks like a cute puppy I just want to hold all day.

'Goodmorning my baby.... we fell asleep on the couch yesterday .....
'Yea.. we did. But thats okay.. I can sleep anywhere with you.'
'I'll make you some breakfast and tea.'

I get up and Lay a blanket over Louis who groans because he is now alone. I walk over to the kitchen and make him eggs on toast. Even tho its easy and simple its always been his favourite. I make some Camille tea and bring it to him on a plate.

'I'm not ready for this Haz.. I'm really not.. I can't ever be ready.'
'I know boo.. I know... but she won't be in pain anymore..'
'I know.. but I can't just move on and forget about it..'
'You don't have to do that bub.. Just let her go... let her rest..'
'I'm going to have to.. I dont even have choice.'

Louis chockes up.

'No... but she has peace with it... and she wants you to do that aswell.. and even tho its hard.. we will get trough this together okay? I'm here for you. I will love and protect you. Always. You are going to be okay...'
'I'll love and protect you aswell Hazza.. promise'

I kiss him and then he eats his breakfast. I quickly eat an apple.. I'm not really hungry.. my heart is breaking by the thought of losing Jay.. but I have to be strong for my Lou.. and so I get into the shower and cry as much as I need. So I can give Louis my all.

At half past twelve the doorbel rings and Louis let the boys in.

'I'm going to pick mum up.. can you guys get ready.. so we can leave as soon as I get back?'

'Yes.. I'll leave the car running.'

Louis leaves.

'Are you okay Harry?' Liam asks.
'I have to be... for Louis and Johannahs sake...but god this is hard....'
'I know... and we are all here for both of you okay?'
'Thank you...'

Soon Louis and Jay get back and I get in the car with them. We start driving followed by the boys and the nurses.'

'So I finally get to see the lake you love so much...'
'Yes... I'm sure you will love it.. there is sand, grass rocks... shade, sun.. whatever you want.... its perfect.'
'It's the kind of place like home beach in Doncaster...'
'Whats home beach?'
'Well we don't really know the name of the beach.. but its a lake beach very close to our old home. Most of my childhood memories come from there...'
'I really wan't to go to Doncaster one day.. I can only imagine how beatiful it is..'
'Yes it really is... its home.'

We continue the drive and and after an hour we get to the lake. We wrap Jay in blankets and lay her on the foldable hospital bed the nurses took.

'Are you comfortable and warm mum?'
'Yes Louis.. I'm okay. So happy to be here... It's beatiful indeed...'

We spend some time talking, laughing and bringing up memories. Jay and Lou keep glancing at each other. The boys also have a weird vibe. They're all a bit nervous and giggling. I dont understand what's happening.

Then all of a sudden Louis stands up and walks over to me. He takes my hand and the boys form a circle around us,

'Wha- what's going on?'
'Harry I- Hazza...' he stumbles while he drops to one knee.

You are my forever boy {L.S fanfic}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu