Chapter nine {Louis POV}

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I wake up from Harry leaving our bed. I see him putting on my bathrobe and I silently laugh. He clearly didn't realise that I was up too because he walked out of my room, into the living room. I want to go after him, so I get up and put on some PJ's.
I'm about to go into the living room when I hear Harry and mum are having a conversation.

' I love Louis, and ill be here for the both of you no matter what happens.'

'Well..I think I'm in love with Louis..'

I'm startled.. Happy.. But startled. I need a second to regain myself, and go to sit on the bed.
Harry likes me too.. Harry is in love with me. I'm happy.. but I don't want to rush things..

I let my mom and Harry finish their conversation before going into the living room.
'Good morning you two!' I walk over to Harry and my mum and give them both a kiss on the cheeck.
'Good morning Lou'
'Morning Honey'
'I see your making pancakes?'
' It was Harry's Idea'
' thank you Haz. I'm sure they will be delicious.'
When the pancakes are done, the three of us sit down and eat them together.
' so what are your plans for today boys?
'I think we need to get Harry some clothes mum. Because I see my bathrobe is also small on him haha.'
'Yeah... I kinda do need clothes.. but dont worry about it, I'll get them myself.'
'I dont think so haz. You still have two days of bed rest left. I'll get you some clothes after school. What's your size?
'Men's M. Thanks Lou.'
'You're welcome.'
'I was thinking you and I can play some board games in your bed, or on the couch. So we can get to know each other some more. What do you think Harry?' My mum offers.
'I'd very much love that Johannah!' Harry replies.

'I have to get ready for school now.. I have to be there in half an hour.'

I walk into my room and I can't contain my happiness. I do a happy dance and jump into my outfit for the day. This is my official first day.. but I can't wait to be done, so I can get back to harry.

I grab my bag and say goodbye to mum and Harry and then walk to school. My day is boring.. I have a few classes. Economics, physics, biology, PE, art class and English. After school I practically run to the nearest clothes shop and buy four shirts, four pants, some fresh underwear and two matching PJ's. That should be fun right? I pay for the clothes, and pick up some pizzas on the way home.

As I walk in to the house I hear my mom and Harry laugh and I smell ginger tea.
'I'm home!'
'Louuuuu I'm so happy to see you, and you brought pizzas!!' Harry says as he huggs me tight.
'Hello honey! You're amazing for taking pizzas home, I was totally not feeling like cooking tonight.'
I give them both a pizza and we sit down on the couch.
'So... how was your day?'
Your mum and I made cookies and played games all day! I had so muchh fun!'
I look at my mum.. she is so gorgeous.. sitting here taking care of the both of us.. mom and I should probably tell Harry about her cancer... but for now I just want us all to be in a happy mood.
'I had fun too Harry, you're a lovely boy and you should be proud of yourself' my mom says to him. They both smile at each other. I'm so happy right now.. things couldn't get better.

Tonight I'm telling Harry I like him too. I just need to find the courage..

{ so what do you think??? I'm making two parts of this chapter, so part two will be up soon! Please vote on the chapter if you liked it :).
That's all,
All the love
A xx

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