Chapter forty one {Louis POV}

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Therapy is going great. It's been three months and a whole lot of sessions, but I'm progressing. In the first few weeks it really hurt. Every time I shifted some weight onto my legs, it felt like they were burning. I got a bunch of exercises to do at home, and they've really helped. I was even able to stand up straight. I had to hold on to something... but thats okay. One day hopefully I can just stand up walk wherever I want. Liam has really been here for me, cheering at every little progression I make.

Harry has been really busy at work, since we've got a wedding coming up, and we are moving. We got the key two weeks ago, and we went there to see what had to be done. The minute I walk through the door, my door, I just felt home again... it also hurt.. because I saw memory's flashing before my eyes. My ten year old self and my mom baking cookies in the kitchen, movie nights on Friday, hide and seek behind furniture and curtains... and then when I grew older.. the moment I told my mom I was gay.. and she just smiled while telling me she was happy for me. God I love her so much. I miss her..

At least my mom didn't have to see me like this.. it would have killed me.. I hate it when people loot at me. Worry about me.

The house was just like when we left.. as if no time had past.

'It's so... its the same..'
'Really? That's great right?'
'Yea.. I didn't think I would ever see this again.. let stand live here again.. I'm so happy..'
'We don't have to change anything love.. we really don't if you don't want to..'
'No.. we should change some stuff.. make it our place.. where we raise our kids..'

Harry bows down and kisses my temple. Im really getting sick of this wheelchair.. I want to stand up and jump into his arms.. feel his arms wrap around me..

I haven't told Harry about my progressions, and I'm not planning to. I still want it to be a surprise at the wedding.. not just for him.. for everyone.

'So what should we change then baby?'
'The curtains... the wallpaper.... but we should keep the carpet in the living room... we should also get a little playground in the garden... a slide, maybe even swings?'
'Ohhh I'm really getting baby fever right now Lou.. I really can't wait..'
'Then let's do it..'
'What? But we just bought a house.. we're not even married yet..'
'Who cares Haz.. I love you, I want kids with you... here.. now.. who knows if we still have each other tomorrow....'
'Yea... you are absolutely right baby.. so....?'
'We could look for a surrogate? Or adopt..'
'Can we have a surrogate? I've kind of always wanted my own baby... but your baby is also a dream come true Louis...'
'Of course... we could always have two right?'
'Yes. Two is great.. so...?'
'You really want this Haz... I can see it in your eyes honey..'
'It should be yours.. the first one.. I'm still recovering.. and you really deserve it..'
'Are you sure?'
'Oh absolutely!'
'Yay Lou! We are going to be daddy's! I can't believe it... A baby... I'm so excited.... my baby is your baby Louis. You are going to be a great dad..'
'You are going to be the fun dad you know that right? You have such a soft spot for kids..'
'Yes... but you are going to be their hero.. protector...'

I pull Harry down and kiss him deeply... I couldn't be happier...

So that was two weeks ago... sinds then we've filled in all kinds of application forms, and send a bunch of letters. We thought it would be hard to find a surrogate, but it actually wasn't.. the hospital connected us to a surrogacy agency, and they set us up with a women to carry our child. We are going to go see her in a few days. We decided to meet up in a cafe, and just get to know each other I guess? I'm kinda nervous.. what if she doesn't like us? Well... what if she doesn't like me? Everybody loves Harry thats for sure.. my thoughts get interrupted when Harry walk into the living room.

'You look pale honey.. are you feeling okay?'
'Yea I'm fine.. just thinking..'
'About what?'
'What if.... what if the surrogate doesn't like me? Or isn't okay with me being in a wheelchair..'
'She is going to love you! And if she doesn't we will just look further.. chin up okay? No need to worry..'
'Yea.. your probably right.. no need to worry.. I'm just, just a bit nervous I guess...'
'I understand.. I've got the same feeling.. but we can do this.. together...'
Yea.. together...'

The doorbell rings.
'Oh that must be Liam, are you ready Lou?'
'Uhuh I got my towel'

Harry opens the door and a smiling Liam walks in.

'Well Hello mate! Sorry I'm a little late... are you good to go?'
'Yep all set! Bye bye Haz, I love you. Good luck at work.'
'You too baby, I love you.'

'So... how did your exercises go?' Liam asks as we make our way to the Hospital.
'Pretty good I guess... I can stand up as long as I hold onto the table...'
'That's something right?'
'Yea.. its just really frustrating to be honest.... I want to let go.. but I'm to scared to..'
'It's okay Louis.. it takes time.. I believe in you..'

We arrive at the hospital and make our way to therapy. The session goes pretty well and after an hour of talking and exercises, the docter asks me to show him the standing up part. I make my way over to the bars, put my feet on the ground and pull myself up. I shift the weight from my arms to my legs and feet, and then I'm standing up.

'That went really well indeed... can you also stand without holding the bar?'
'I don't know.. I haven't tried..'
'Well.. you are here now. I think you should try it... let go of the bar please.'
'But I- I dont think I can..'
'It's okay. Just try it. If it gets to much you can grab the bar again.'
'Ehm.. yea o-okay'

I count to three and then let go. Out of fear I close my eyes, but when I don't feel anything, I slowly open them.

'Holy shit... Holy shit. I'm standing! Li I'm standing' I blurt out.
'Yes Louis I knew it!! Yes you got this Lou!'
'Very well Louis... now try to walk a little for me please?'

I slowly put my foot in front of the other and start shifting my weight. It works... I'm walking... I do it again, and again, and again.

'Louis you are walking! You are actually walking! I'm so proud of you mate'
'Very well Louis. You are doing great. Now turn around and walk back to me please.'

I do ass the doctor tells me, and then sit back in my wheelchair.

'I'm going to end todays session here. Try to walk as much as you can. But only do it in a place where you are safe, at home for example. Try to stay close to a railing or something you can grab when you feel like you are going to fall over okay?'
'Yes okay thank you!'
'You're welcome, I'll see you in a few days then.'

All the way back home I have an urge to get out of my wheelchair and just try to walk at least, but Liam stops me.
'Just wait until you get home okay? Ill stay with you, and you can practise there, since Harry is at work.'
'Yea okay. Thanks Li'

I spend the next few hours walking around the house with Liam right behind me, telling me to slow down sometimes. When harry gets home, I quickly get back in my wheelchair. Liam stays for dinner and after that Harry and I spend the evening cuddling on the couch.

{hello guys! I'm really sorry I havent uploaded in a while, I've been really busy with school lately. I'll try to upload again today, and otherwise tomorrow. Hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and leave a comment.

All the love
A xx

You are my forever boy {L.S fanfic}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant