Chapter forty four {Harrys POV}

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It's been two weeks since the insemination. Two weeks full of wedding planning, calls with restaurants, hotels and of course finding a nice resort on Barbados. Today we are going to find out if Sarah is pregnant. God I hope so.

I do feel bad for Louis.. being in a wheelchair for the rest of his life... I simply can't imagine what he is going through. He seems optimistic about it tho.. its either 'ah could be worse' or 'well... at least I don't have to push the stroller around'.

I'm proud of him... the way he is coping with all of this.. I don't know what I've done to deserve him.. he is a literal angel.

I should do something at the wedding... something big to show him how much I love him.. if only Jay could be here to see us get married.... to meet her grandchild..

Mayebe I should tell our guests about her.. make them aware of the fact that we lost an angel... with a speech? A poem? Mayebe a song... no not a song.. Louis already wrote his mom the most beautiful song... I won't do the same... no I think I'm just going to tell her story.. from my point of view..

'What are you thinking of haz?'
'I asked you what you are thinking of?'
'Oh I'm sorry baby.. I'm thinking about the pregnancy. Or maybe the non pregnancy?'
'Yea we will know in a couple of hours.. the appointment is at three.'
'I'm nervous...'
'It's okay... if Sarah isn't pregnant then we will just try again. And we can always adopt..'
'Yea.. yea your right... I'm having a cup of tea.. d'you want some darling?'
'Yes please..'
'What flavour?'
'Jeez your making it really hard here.... strawberry please'

'Tastes like strawberry...' I hum 'on a summer evening'
'Is that a song? Never heard it before, but it sounds like one' Louis giggles.
'And it sounds just like a song...'
'Yea no.. just making it up as I go... nothing special.'
'It sounds like the kind of song you would listen two in the car with the windows down... a summer song..'
'Yea.. mayebe one day.. but for now I wanna focus on you, our child, house and marriage..'
'Jesus we are moving fast...'
'Yea.. but I love it.. I want it all... so bad..'
'Me too baby...'

We spend the next couple of hours working on the wedding, until it's time to find out if we are having a baby or not. At three o'clock we find ourselves waiting in the hall while Sarah is in the bathroom, peeing in a cup.

'Yea okay.. that was weird' Sarah laughs as she hands the cup to the docter, who is holding a thin stroke, of what seems like paper.
'Whenever you are ready I'm going to put this stick into the cup.. if you are pregnant the end of the stick will turn pink. Are you ready?'

I'm holding both Louis and Sarahs hand.

'Yes okay...'

The docter puts the stick in the cup. We only have to wait for a minute, but it feels like an hour.

'Okay now.. its time to take it out.. 1,2,3..'

I can't help but close my eyes, but nearly immediately I hear Sarah and Louis gasp, and then Louis arms wrap around my waist, since he still can't stand.

'We're having a baby Harry!' Louis cries out.
'No way! This is amazing Lou!!' Congratulations Sarah!'
'Congratulations to you guys!'
'Give me a groupshug.. c'mon' Louis chuckles

Sarah and I both bow down and wrap our arms around Louis.

Three more weeks go by. We've got seven more weeks to go before the wedding takes place, and we get a checkup on the baby.

We also purchased a lot of moving boxes and started packing the least important stuff. We want to move to Doncaster a week before the wedding, so that we can get ready, and have our party at the new house. That way it will also be a housewarming.

Sarah is moving in with us until the baby is born, so that we can help her out whenever we can, without us having to drive three hours there and back.

Next week we are going to drive up there a couple of times, to change the furniture and curtains. We decided to postpone the big changes, and focus on everything else.

The only rooms we will change now is, our, and the baby's bedroom.

'Honey?.. can we go to bed? I'm tired..' Louis asks from the couch.

I was just finishing off some paperwork. Life has been full lately.. work, the wedding, moving, the baby...

'Yea I'm tired to.. c'mon I'll help you to bed.'

I help Louis into his wheelchair, and then he rolls himself to the bathroom. We brush our teeth, and I have a quick shower. When I get to our bedroom I see Louis has already fallen asleep. It's been tough on him too..

I tuck him in, and then I cuddle him up.

'Goodnight Love...your the love of my life and I'm proud of you'  I whisper into his ear. As a responds he softly kisses my neck, since he is half asleep. I kiss his forehead, and then go to sleep.

So heres chapter forty four.. hope you like it..please vote :) also, thank you so much for your comments.. its so fun reading them all.

All the love
A xx

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