Chapter thirteen {Harrys POV}

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'What colour do you want the cake Hazza?' Louis asks me.
'This might sound stupid.. but I was thinking rainbow? Because you know...'
'Are you kidding me? I was also thinking rainbow!'
'We're just made for each other, aren't we?'
'We definetly are..'
My heart... Ive never felt like this before. I want to hold his hand.. so badly.

You know what? Fuck it. I love this boy and I want to show the world.

I intertwine my fingers with Louis, and I feel him squeeze my hand.'

'Are you ready to hold my hand in public?'
'Yes.... with you I can do anything... are you ready?
'Hun... I'm openly gay... I was ready for you three years ago.'
' were you fourteen when you came out?'
'Uhuh..first to my mom.. and then to anyone who asked..'
'I want to come out to Gemma tomorrow... but I kind of dont know my sexuality yet.. Ive never felt the way I feel for you for anyone elso before... so I dont know what to call myself'
'You don't have to have a label baby. Just be Harry... Be Harry who likes Louis. Your sister adores you, so she doesn't need an explanation does she?'
'You're right.. I should probably worry les..'
'You can worry all you want, just dont let it get the better of you.'
I love Louis.. so much.. and I want to tell him that. I just want it to be special.. so I'll wait. I'll wait like two more weeks or something.. I want to surprise him with it.
'We've got all the baking ingredients, do you need anything else love?
'No Im good. Lets go to the checkout.'

We pay for our stuff and go to the car.

My nose hurts.. a lot.

'I'm good to go Haz. Are you read- OHw my good god Harry, you're bleeding!

What the Hell? I touch my nose and I feel wet blood on my fingers.

'Here, use my shirt.'
Before I can protest I see Louis taking of his shirt. And bringing it up to my nose.
I prepare for the painful touch.. but it doesn't come.. Instead Louis touch feels soft.. it doesn't hurt...

Louis wipes off the blood very carefully and then throws the shirt to the backseats.

'You're okay, the stitches were just bleeding a little, I shouldn't have taken you out so soon.... I'm so sorry...'.

'Are you kidding we sweetheart?? I had a great time! Dont be sorry, It's no ones fault but mine!'

'Actually.. its only to blame on those kid who beat you up..'

'You're absolutely right... now drive, because you make me want to kiss you, and we can't do that when you have to keep you're eyes on the road.'

We both laugh, and Louis continues driving.

When we get home, we get into out matching PJ's and start baking the cake. By the time its in the oven I can't contain myself any more..

I sneak up behind Louis and kiss his neck..

'Turn around'

He does, and as soon as he sees me he kisses me deeply. I kiss him back and we end up cuddling on the couch for an hour, until we need to get the cake out of the oven.

'It doesn't look to bad......'
'Oh come on harry its black.'

We both burst out laughing.

'Turns out, we're both terrible cooks!'

'Let's hide this masterpiece, before your mom comes home.'

As soon as we throw away the cake, Johannah walks in.

'It smells a bit burned here... is everything okay?'

'Well Johannah.. the truth is.. baking and cuddling isn't such a good combination.'

She bursts out laughing.
'You two love birds, go cuddle some more in your room, I'll make spaghetti for dinner.

After dinner Louis and I go to bed early.. Gemma is coming in the morning and I can't help but feeling a bit nervous.

'It's okay baby. I get that you are nervous... burt there's no need... come here.'
Louis lays down and I lay my head on Louis chest. His heartbeat calms me.
'Get some rest.. you deserve it.'

I start counting his heartbeats.. I get to 28 before I fall asleep.

{ so here's thirteen!!! Did you like it?? Please leave a comment and vote :)

All the love,
A xx

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