Chapter twenty-five {Harrys POV}

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Johannah gets worse everyday. She tries to hide it.. but she always looks tired and she has trouble walking. The summer break is nearly over and Louis has had his job for about two months. Now I normally just stay home with Johannah whenever Louis has to work, and she is at home. She spends half a week at the hospital. And then she gets a lot of medicine to take when she is here. Her skin is getting pale and her eyes have a blue glow.

Louis is trying so hard. To take care of his mother, to not let her show how much it is killing and hurting him. To make enough money for the three of us. To be my boyfriend.
God he treats me so well. He is always there for me and he lets me know he loves me so much. Sometimes at night he brakes because he is so tired and sad. I always hold him in my arms and let him cry. Most people say that after a few weeks the spark of being in love with somebody will fade. But this is not the case with Louis. That spark never left and  I love him. And he loves me. I can't live without him. Life would be worthless without him.

I should get a job. Help Louis out. It's not fair to him. I will get a job at a coffeehouse somewhere for after school. Or maybe I'll just not go to college. Then I can get a job just like Louis. And we will be able to make a full living.

I'm sitting on the floor making some sketches and designs of clothing and Johannah is sitting on the couch reading her magazine.

'I'm getting a drink Jay, do you want anything?'
'Oh ehm I'd like some orange Juice.. and could you get my medication from the kitchen table?'

I get the drinks and the pills and help her taking them

'Harry? Can I ask you something?'
'Is Louis holding up okay?'
'Well... he is keeping his head up..'
'But is he Happy?'
'He has his moments.. but overal he is yes.'
'What does "his moments" mean?'
'Sometimes its a bit hard with the job and all..'
'Is he tired because of me?'

Shoot... what do I do now..Louis has been trying so hard to hide this.. I can't just tell her.

'No.. not because of you. I think its just the whole situation.. also with the finances... and he is also sad because you are his best friend.. He loves you.. and he can't live without you...'
'Harry.. I can feel that I'm running out of time... I don't have long.. Whenever it happens.. I need you to be there for him... and please don't let him be to sad about me.. help him get on with his life.. please..'
'Yes Jay.. I will.. but its going to be so hard...'

I feel my eyes fill with tears.

'It might be hard.. but not impossible. I dont want you two to cry over me.. remember me when I was healthy.. please forget about my sick period....'
'But Jay... you are like my mother... you and Louis taught me love.. we can't just move on..'
'You don't have to move on.. just let me go. I'm in peace with it. My life was perfect. I had the most precious son I could have asked for. And got the sweetest, loveliest boy as my bonus son. My Life goal has been achieved... It's complete. I don't want to live in this pain all the time... I don't want to be sick anymore.. I just want to rest now..'

Tears fall from my eyes... It's all getting so reall... in about four months our sweet jay will be gone......

I curl up against her and kiss her cheeck.

'I love you Jay.. so much. Thank you for being my mum and thank you for loving me like you're own. I will always love and appreciate you. And you are forever in my heart...'

'I love you too Louis.. no need to thank me for anything. Please.. just tell your and Louis kids about me okay? Tell them I love em.'

'All the time.. I promise.
'When the time comes you should also talk to Louis...'
'You should be there.. it is going to be tough on him'

Weeks pass and Johannah is barely home anymore.. I dont think she will make the next three months...

Louis has just gone to pick her up, so she can be in her own environment for one night. Louis birthday is in two months. It's just unthinkable that soon it will be just the two of us..

I decided not to go to college, but to take on fashion. It's what I like. I like fancy clothes, and turns out that stylist get paid really well. Hopefully I'll be able to help Louis out with the money soon.

The front door opens and I see Louis coming in pushing Johannah in a wheelchair.

'Hey... so did you finally get it?'
'Yea.. walking has just gotten to tiring.'

We spend the rest of the day talking and watching tv. At night Louis and I help Jay get into her bed. Then we go to sleep our selves.

'Are you okay?'
'Yes.. actually. Mum is Happy.. even though she is in pain and tired.. she is still happy... but I don't think she can do this much longer haz... I can see in her eyes that she wont make it trough the upcoming months..
'We will do this together Lou.. I love you..'
'I love you too.

Then we strangle our body's together and go to sleep.

{so here is chapter twenty-five. I hope you liked it :D
Please vote and comment. Have a great day/night. And I love you all!
All the love
A xx

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