Chapter forty six {mixed POV}

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{anne's POV}

I was so surprised my Harry called.. came by.. invited me to the wedding... I hadnt seen him in years, because his father forbade me to see him. Im a horrible mother.. I should have fought for him.. I was just so scared for my husband... After years it became to much and I finally had the guts to divorce him. I was going to reach out to Harry as soon as I divorced... but then he called... I felt ashamed, sad.. but also so happy that I would finally see him again!

He's changed so much...His cute little chubby cheecks were gone, and he now had a really manly face. Strong cheeckbones and a jawline. He looked so handsome. And then he introduced me to his fiance. A man... I kind of saw it coming.. but I dont care because Louis is a wonderful young man, Harry genuinely seems happy. And they are going to have a baby.. my little boy is going to be a dad! Tho he is not little anymore, I realised... He has his own life now, his own family... Im blessed Harry let me in after what I did to him.. but Ive changed, or Im going to change.. for Harry.. and for the baby.

After they left, I felt happy, confused, overwhelmed... what had just happened? I just got my son back...

I walked over to the bedroom, and started packing my bags. I didnt pack much since I completly wanted to leave this life behind. Just the important stuff, nothing more. I looked up some of the appartments in Doncaster, and the boys were right. the appartments are indeed a lot cheaper. I could easily buy a decent place with the money I have now, and Im planning on getting a job too, so financially I'll be alright.

A few hours later, I had loaded my car, cleaned up a bit, and I was waiting for Des to come home. Not much later I heard his car pull up to the driveway, and I mentally prepared myself for the conversation we were about to have.

'Im hungry, wheres dinner?' he asked as he stepped through the door.
'I didnt make it.. Im leaving Des.. Now'
'What do you mean now? Youve got nowhere to go to Anne, youre nothing on your own'
'Wrong.. Im nothing when Im with you... you have done nothing but treat me and Harry like shit.. I lost him because of you.. and Im going to lose myself too if I dont get away from you!'
'And where are you planning on going huh? Going to hide with your shit son?'
'How dare you talk about him like that? He is a better man then you will ever be!'
'Its a shame he is called a Styles! He is a disgrace to this family!'
'I cant believe I ever married you... I cant believe I let you treat my son like you did.. I should have left you long ago! Its been enough Des! Im leaving now.'
'Fine then! But dont crawl back to me when you realise you cant do nothing on your own! and-'

I slam the door before he can even finish his sentence. the cool evening breeze feels good on my skin. I go to my car, and search for hotels in Doncaster. then I tick in the adres, and start heading for my new life...

{Harrys POV}

the next morning I wake up early. Lou is still asleep. As I walk to the living room, I hear Sarah stumble a bit upstairs, then all of a sudden she runs down the stairs, to the bathroom. She barely reaches the toilet before she starts throwing up.

'Sarah! are you alright?!'
'yea... I guess the mornig sickness has started.... I was actually expecting it to come earlier.. during my last pregnancy it started around the sixth week..'
'are you going to throw up again? do you need me to hold your hair back?'
'no I think im alright now' she stands up and goes to drink some water.
'come, let me make you some tea and breakfast okay?'

we go to the kitchen, and I put on the kettle. not long after louis strolls in.

'goodmoring my husband to be, and goodmorning beautiful mother of our child' he laughs.

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