"I will sit here with you until you want me to go. But, I'm not going anywhere right now. I got you."

His grip gets tighter on me as I lean against him. Maybe I should've stayed home. There's no good place for me to be right now. But, I'm gonna have to get over this. I can't keep breaking down in the middle of my workday. It's not fair to anyone. I'm here to work, not cry.

"You can go. I don't want you to miss your game," I tell Christian quietly. He somehow got me to move to the couch.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

He gets up and grabs the tissue box from my desk. He takes one and wipes under my eyes, "You don't need to. I'm just going to take it all off." I probably look like I raccoon right now.

"I love you. I'm gonna keep my phone on me if you need anything."

"Okay." He kisses me.

"I'll be out soon. I'm gonna call Cody since he told me to call him."

"I think that's a good idea."

He hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "I love you."

"Love you too."

He gives me a sad smile before grabbing his stuff and heading out of my office. I get up to go sit at my desk and call Cody. This could go two ways. One, I start crying again. Two, he makes me feel a little bit better. It's hard telling.

I set my phone against the wall as it rings, waiting for him to pick it up. I take out my extra makeup wipes and take off the rest of my makeup. I guess I'll be going on TV with no makeup today. It'll have to do though.

He finally answers me, "Hey."


"How are you doing?"

"I don't know Cody. I just spent the last hour sobbing into Christian's arms."

"Are you working?"

"I'm supposed to be."

"Go home. Be with Sienna. Take a break."

"Cody, I can't. I can't sit in my living room anymore thinking about everything. I end up crying and then I feel like I can't breathe which results in my anxiety skyrocketing."

"God, Luna, I wish I was there. I just want to give you a hug."

"I know. Hey, is Corey around?"

He moves his phone to show me that he's sitting right next to him. Corey doesn't notice I'm on the phone since he's tuned into his phone. Cody nudges him and he looks up at him and then looks at Cody's phone. He smiles but that quickly fades as he sees my facial reactions.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Not good," I tell him. I know he'll see right through it if I lie. Him and Christian are the same in that sense. They see right through me.

Cody gives his phone to Corey, "Thanks for the flowers. I appreciate them."

"It's the least I could do. How's your little girl?"

"She's the best. You can meet her if you want when you guys come into Milwaukee."

"I'd like that. Can I tell you something?"


"It's about your mom." 

I nod, "Giving you a fair warning that I will start crying, most likely."

All Mine - Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now