"It's an aura of stabilization, in a sense, in exchange for the magic I provided when using the spell, I was able to stabilize her magic, aura, and soul, which was ripped in half." Vic told them, surprising them,  "I'll need a more permanent solution though, it will require a lot of magic though, which also requires resources." Vic said as he sighed, wondering what the hell he got himself into.

Ozpin looked at Vic with a confused face, "What kind of resources?" He asked, Vic just smiled.

"Dust Crystals, lots of it, Fire, Water, Ice, and Lightning." Vic said Ozpin and Glynda were about to ask why, but Vic just did the same thing he did with Qrow, he pulled out a fire dust crystal and ate it.

Ozpin and Glynda looked on in surprise. "How.. is that.." Glynda tried to question.

Qrow just laughed, "It's best not to question the kid, he's full of surprises" Qrow told them

Ozpin composed himself, "Yes, he is indeed." he agreed as he nodded.

Vic looked at Ozpin, "so, if you can get the dust, I can do it." Vic said to Ozpin. Ozpin's gaze shifted a bit.

He raised his brow, "What is the catch? I can get the dust, but there has to be a catch right?" Ozpin asked, Vic smiled, Ozpin was a smart man.

"Nothin much, you just owe me a favor, that's all" Vic told Ozpin.

Vic looked at Glynda, she didn't seem too pleased, "The nerve, we are trying to protect the world! And you ask for a favor for saving the life of somebody! The life of a maiden! How could you!" She told him as she walked up to him, Ozpin tried to stop her, but she walked past him.

Vic's happy expression turned dark, he frowned as his eyes turned dead cold. "Haven't you heard of the saying, everything comes with a price? Making the deal with the devil? I really couldn't care less about what you think, I'm asking this favor from Ozpin, not you. I have people to protect, and I will do what I have to." Vic said as he stared at Glynda with the cold dead eyes.

She backed down, and Vic looked at Ozpin, his eyes back to full of life, and his usual smile. "Do we have a deal?" Vic asked Ozpin, as he held out his hand towards the man.

Ozpin shook Vic's hand, "We do indeed. "Ozpin told the Dragon Slayer, who smiled.

They broke the handshake as Vic kneeled down over the fall maiden again, holding his hand out over her again, he added about a week's worth of magic power, to keep it stabilized.

"She should be fine for around a week, at least until it runs out, you are going to take her to beacon right?" Vic asked, and Ozpin nodded

"Yes, it's the safest place for her at the moment." he told the dragon slayer, who nodded.

"Alright, get Qrow to call me when you have the dust, and if it's not within a week, I'll drop by to give it some more to keep running." Vic told him.

"I will, thank you Vic" Ozpin thanked him.

Vic smiled, "No problem, just don't forget the deal." Vic said, Ozpin nodded, "You guys got it from here, see ya later." Vic said as he walked away, jumping into a shadow like it was a pool.


Vic waited for Qrow's call, and while he did, he trained a bit in healing, it was an oversight on his part, it would help with the future if he could heal.

So he trained, he helped injured animals around the forest, he felt good doing it.

He figured out a way though to heal the fall maiden completely.

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