"May I ask why Henry-sama is here?"

The blond looked surprised as he chuckles.

"Did Royse forgot?"

The redhead rose a brow. He tries to remember if he had anything scheduled for the day.

Seeing his confused expression, Mark sighed as he reminded the young master. "You are scheduled to join his highness in the town visit."

Royse blinked and widened his eyes in realization.

"It was today?" He asks.

Mark nods. "Yes, you said I am to handle the day you are free to visit."

Oh right, he was preoccupied with his work that he threw the planning to Mark.

He scratches his cheeks. "I apologize Henry-sama. I seem to have forgotten." He apologizes as he returns his attention to the older male.

The blond shook his head. "Don't be. I'm aware that Royse is quite busy."

Royse then looks at his butler. "I'll be preparing myself. Please have the carriage ready." He orders. "Please wait for a while Henry-sama."

The prince simply smiled. "It's alright. Take your time."

The redhead nods and returns to his room leaving Henry alone in his office.

When he enters the room, he started changing his clothes. Man, to think he actually forgot that he was scheduled to spend his day with the prince.

He wore a commoners outfit and made sure to bring a colour changing potion. He ruffles his hair and checked his appearance on his body mirror.

He nods, satisfied with his look.

Royse felt like he was forgetting something but decided to shrug it off. He finally exits his room and headed back to the office. When he enters, Henry looks at him and examined his clothes.

Now that Royse noticed, Henry was wearing a simple formal clothes, different from his usual attire when he visits. He should have noticed something was planned just by his appearance.

"Shall we head out?" The redhead asks.

The prince nods as he exits the room and walked alongside the redhead.

Royse could feel the gaze beside him and made him nervous. No matter how many years had passed, he still couldn't get used to it.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks, looking at the older male.

Henry smiled. "It suits you. Especially your hair. It looks quite soft." He comments.

"Thank you." He replies in surprise.

Ah, this is bad for his heart.

When they were about to leave the mansion, Rohesia sees them from the staircase.

She rushes down and catches up to the two. "Rosey are you leaving for the town?" She asks.

The two turned around from the voice. "Yes. Is there anything you'd like for me to bring home?" Royse asks with a smile.

Rohesia's eyes sparkle as she hummed, thinking of a good gift.

"Then can I have the new strawberry dessert? I heard from Catherine-sama that it tasted quite delicious."

The redhead chuckled at his sister's words and nods. "Very well then. I'll make sure to bring it home."

Rohesia saw them outside. They entered the carriage they use for their usual sighting and finally left the household.

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now