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I sit next to my lawyer. I'm chewing away on my nails. The nerves are really kicking in.

I hope I can get out soon. My family is in danger. I turn to see Janice on the opposite side of the courtroom.

She is on her phone texting I guess. Her eyes met mine. A smirk is planted on those red lips.

Janice gives me a wink before turning her attention to the front. The Judge comes in and everyone rises.

Judge: Could someone brief me on this case?

The public defender stands up going through his case file. His name is Damon Rios.

Rios: Your honor, the defended is charged with statutory rape.

Judge: Does the people have any evidence to prove? The victims statement?

Rios: Yes, she is present in the courtroom.

Judge: Mr. Downey, it says here you were having sexual relations with a Janice Crawford. Whom is a student at your school.

Edelstein: Your honor, the sex was consensual.

Judge: Let's have the victim give her statement.

Janice is called to the stand. She sits down. I can tell off the bat she hates being here.

Rios: Miss Crawford, how old are you?

Janice: Eighteen.

Rios: And you're a senior at North Ridge High School?

Janice: Why are you asking me theses questions if you already know?

Rios: Miss Crawford, I have to repeat these questions for the judge and jury.

Janice(rolls eyes): Whatever.

I'm laughing on the inside.

Rios: Did Mr. Downey, ever seduced you?

Janice: God, no! That's my job.

Rios: Did he ever force you to have sex?

Janice: No.

Rios: No further questions.

Its clear on Rios face that he knows this case was a dead end.

Edelstein gets up walking toward Janice.

Edelstein: Miss Crawford, Would this be your first time having sex with an older?

Janice: No it would not.

Edelstein: How many mature sexual partners have you had?

Janice: Seven with Robert included.

Edelstein: So, you've consented to all these men.

Janice: Yes. I like having sex with older men.

Edelstein: What were the terms of your agreement with my client?

Janice: He was having marital problems. Needed comfort. So, I made myself available. We would have sex on the terms that he never told anyone. It's my private business.

Edelstein: I would like the record to show there is no law against adults sleeping with an adult. Just frowned upon because he is an educator.

Judge: Alright, the jury will make their verdict. We shall reconvene in an hour. Court is adjourned.

The gavel hit the wooden platform. I smiled to myself. I'm going home. I just know it.


Pure Nightmare (Sequel to Pure Trouble) (RDJ Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now