Our Paths Will Cross Again.

Start from the beginning

"Now, relax, and let me tell you a story, a story of a place, full of friendship, and a place where anyone is welcome.." Vic started as he remembered the intro to fairy tail, he closed his eyes as he could see it now.

Both Ruby and Yang smiled, they had a feeling this story would be good..

"In a land far, far away place, there is a land filled with magic! Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace, for most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and they have devoted their lives to its practice. These are the mages. Banded together into magical guilds they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of this land. But there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest, one from which countless legends have been born... a guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name... is Fairy Tail." Vic began, and he told the story of the guild called fairy tail, or well some of it.

Both Ruby and Yang listened as their eyes closed, they listened to the story. They wondered if such a land really existed. Ruby and Yang both had a question at the beginning though..

"What does the name mean?" Yang asked, wanting to know.

Vic smiled softly, as he remembered Makarov telling Natsu the meaning. "Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, that place is an eternal mystery... A never ending adventure!" Vic answered with a smile, making both smile as well. "Now close your eyes, and let me keep going," Vic said as he laughed a bit. Both did so and he kept on going

After about 10 minutes of telling them the story, they fell asleep. He only told the child safe parts of fairy tail, he got up before meeting Erza. He doubted they would remember any of the story, seeing as how tired they were. He got up from the chair and walked out, slowly closing the door.

He walked back to his room, and when telling them the story of fairy tail, he decided it. He was going to leave, he wanted to get stronger, so he could protect the people he cared for. And he couldn't do that being here sadly, he didn't want to leave. But he needed to, to get stronger, he knew Ruby and Yang were going to get stronger, he was sure of it, but he needed to train his way.

He sniffed the air and smelled Tai outside his room. "Tai, I know you're there, come in." he said facing the door, Tai opened it with a sigh.

"Keep forgetting about your nose.. You're finally going huh?" Tai said as Vic nodded, he was packing his things in his bag, the bag he had before would still work.

"Don't try to stop me, I need to, to get stronger.." Vic said as he looked at tai right in the eyes, tai stared back, he could see the fire in the kids eyes. 

"Never said I was going to stop you. You know Ruby and Yang will miss you right?" Tai said and Vic nodded.

"I don't want to leave.. But i need to get stronger, if I get stronger, i can protect the people i care for, i'm not losing anyone else." Vic said he accidentally let it sip, causing Tai to look at him.

Tai looked at the boy as he covered his mouth, he knew something was up. He doubted the boy would tell him though. Tai sighed. "I see.. " Tai said as he walked out the door, and went downstairs, Vic could smell him in the living room, he was most likely waiting for Vic.

Vic packed up everything that was given to him by Yang, Ruby, and Tai. including dust crystals, which he ate off and on to regain magic when he was low. A few pictures both Yang and Ruby gave him of all 3 of them. He smiled as he looked at them. He fully packed his extra clothes and other things. He grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote a note, for both Ruby and Yang. he placed it on the desk in the middle that was near the window.

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