SN Chapter 3: Hero's Guide on Not Dying When Killed

Start from the beginning


Taiga: How's that?! I planned to switch the labels earlier this morning!

Shirou: So much for a mature, soon-to-be twenty-five-year-old woman!

Taiga: Haha. That should teach you a lesson. It's divine justice for leaving me without dessert yesterday.

Shirou: For the last time, I didn't have the right ingredients to make dessert! I thought you would be calm for a change, but this is what you were thinking about?!

Taiga: That's right. That's why I have to go and start grading the exams now. Yup, I should hurry up.

She sat back down and finished her breakfast at breakneck speeds, slightly annoying Shirou. It didn't sit well with him to see people not taking their time with meals. 

Taiga: Whew! Breakfast was gourmet as always! You sure you don't want to apply to one of those cooking shows? You'd make it big!

Shirou: Not really. That glamorous life isn't the thing for me.

Taiga: Well, I get to have you as my chef, so it's my win anyway. I'm going on ahead. I'll get mad if you're late!

And just like that, she ran off with the speed of a jaguar. Shirou knew there was something wrong with a world that had such a woman as a teacher.

Despite it all, the reason why he made it on his own after his father's death could be attributed to that eccentric woman. 

Also, life in the Emiya Household would be extremely boring without someone like her to keep Shirou company. 


7:50 a.m, Homurahara Academy

The walk to school had been as eventful as it had been any other day, which was to say it was completely uneventful. 

Although, he had come across an unusual scene in the intersection. Several police cars were parked outside of what seemed to be a house, which was now reduced to nothing but cinders.

He was reminded of a T.V. Broadcast warning about a case of gas leaks happening around the city lately. He would need to be careful, and check the gas twice a day instead of once. 

He only hoped there were no casualties. Far too many people had been lost as it was. He didn't want to be reminded of... the incident.

Shirou: Just don't think about it.

He found himself entering the main school building as he finished his daydreaming. While he passed by some students, he inadvertently eavesdropped on some conversations. 

This would be nothing new, if not for the fact that the subject of such dialogues seemed eerily consistent.

They were speaking about someone. "Sajyou" seemed to be the keyword. 

Shirou didn't know much about Ayaka Sajyou. She seemed to be of the type that didn't like the spotlight and preferred to lay low. This made all this gossiping about her all the stranger.

Well, not like that was any of his business anyway. It was probably some baseless rumor or something.

Homeroom would start in ten minutes, so he had to get to his classroom.


Lunchtime, Student Council Room

???: Emiya, could you give me some of that fried chicken? My lunch is desperately lacking in meat.

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