Peace At Last

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So it's true. All our battles were finally over. 

Sam came to terms with her mother's unstable past, leaning more heavily on Deena than ever. To be completely honest with you, I think Deena liked being depended on, especially by Sam. The two repaired their relationship, and Sam even took the risk of going to see her birth father. Will didn't handle the news very well, but I don't think Sam minded that much. 

Two weeks later, Will was fired from Mayor for being an accomplice to the Shadyside murders. It turned out that he knew what Sheila was really doing, as well as knowing in 1978 that his brother was responsible for the Shadyside killers. The police didn't really understand how Nick Goode got Tommy Slater to murder 10 people, but by then they were just so baffled, they arrested Will without further question. I think all the residents of Shadyside needed that closure.

Kate and Josh are living their best life, as expected. Kate stays away from bread slicers, obviously, and she's no longer in drug business. She and Josh plan to leave Shadyside as soon as they graduate to travel the world together. They are avid believers in world peace, and Kate has decided to single-handedly stop climate change. I laughed when Deena told me that, because it's so like Kate to try and solve the worlds problems. 

Deena lets Sam eat her jello, and they always have a supply in Deena's house in case Sam ever feels the urge to eat some. It's obvious that they're going to end up together...really, how could they not? Sam's back in Shadyside, living with Weston, but she and Deena are going to move in with each other next year. Weston, unlike Sheila, fully approved of their relationship. We totally stan Weston. 

Simon is being Simon, as usual. He's been promoted to the highest rank at that grocery store he works at and had the bread slicer removed for 'safety hazards'. He also got rid of the Halloween costume section, and never supplies masks of any kind. 

As for Ziggy and I, we've been enjoying a peaceful and boring life. I sincerely hope it stays that way forever. Because as long as it's me and her, nothing can go wrong. We finally got that much deserved happily ever after. 

Peace, at last. 

to love forever and meet in eternal happiness. 


The end!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed Cursed , and stay tuned for new stories to come! :)


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