VII // 1994

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'Okay four in each bag, and if you finish in an hour, I'll let you watch 'my so called life' with me,' Kate smiles at the two girls, before turning to look at me. I give her my best scolding expression. 

'You know, you really shouldn't rely on children to sort your drugs,' I lower my voice, tapping her arm. 

'You're right,' Kate nods. 'I'll get on that.' She smiles, turning back to them. 'And uh- do not eat these, because they'll make your little hearts stop, you'll choke to death on your own vomit and everyone will be so, so, super sad. Got it?' 

They both nod.

'Kate,' I shake my head reproachfully. 'They're children.' 

'Now we have some alone time,' Kate says significantly, tracing her hand down my back. She raises her eyebrows, taking my hand. 'Please, Y/N?' 

I sigh, smiling. 'Fine. But if they die, that's on you.' 

'I promise I'll take all the blame, my love,' She scrunches up her nose, closing the door behind us. With a long sigh, she leans in kissing me on the lips. I relax into her, wrapping my arms around her waist. 'You don't know how long I've waited for this,' She breathes. 

My back is pressed against the door, as her hands slide up the front of my shirt over my bare skin. Tingles go down my spine as her hands slide down over my hips. I pull back for a gasp of breath. 'Me too.' 

Kate steps back for a second, pulling off her shirt. I move towards her as she lays back on her bed, smiling slightly. She takes my hand, pulling me onto her and kissing me once more. I struggle out of my sweatshirt, tossing it aside. It lands in a heap somewhere in the room, that I don't see. 

She trails kisses down my bare collarbone, her hands against my arms. 

'Y/N' she sighs softly, pressing her forehead against mine. 'I love you.' 

'I love you t-' 

The doorbell rings. 

I swear under my breath, pausing. 'You've got to be kidding me, right?' 

Kate rolls her eyes, propping herself up on her elbows. I roll off her, stepping onto the floor. 'Why does that always happen?' 

'Every time,' Kate holds her hands up, ticking off five of her fingers. 'I really thought this one was going to work out?' 

'Whoever's at the door is so dead,' I grumble, pulling my shirt back on. 'Dead.' 

It's Simon. 

'Hello ladies,' He smiles cheerfully, holding up a bag of chips. 'I brought chips.' 

Kate and I don't smile back. 'I hope I didn't interrupt anything.' He peers around the doorway. 'Did I?' 

'It's funny you should say that,' Kate scrunches her nose, crossing her arms. 

Simon's eyes widen. 'Oh god, I did it this time?' 

'Yes. You,' I squint. 'I swear to god, if you did that on purpose.' 

'I'd never do that!' Simon holds his hands up in surrender. 'What was it last time, again?' 

'Uh, Josh slipped off the deck and almost snapped his neck,' I exchange glances with Kate. 

'And the time before that?' Simon raises his eyebrows. 

'Deena failed her math test and had a breakdown,' Kate sighs. 

'Before that, it was...uh - I think I cut my hand on a random wire that was hanging from your dresser,' I scratch my head.  

'And finally,' Kate does a dramatic gesture. 'I was not notified that my grandparents were going to be staying over, and they almost walked in at a very inconvenient time.' 

'You two really can't catch a break, can you?' Simon shakes his head, stepping inside. 'Chips, anyone?' 

Kate grabs the bag from him. 'Give me those.' 

'And now...' I say loudly. 'Our idiot friend Simon thought bringing chips over was the most important thing that had to be done.' 

'Hey!' Simon steals a chip from Kate. 'If it makes you feel better, I got these for free. From the store.' 

'It really doesn't,' Kate pulls over a pile of laundry. 'To make it up to us, you can sort this.' 

Simon sighs, pulling his sweatshirt off. 'Fine.' 

'Are you still wearing the shirt from last night?' I wrinkle my nose. 'It's covered in blood.' 

'I had nothing else,' Simon protests. 

'You seriously wore that to the store?' Kate says. 'That's disgusting. You're disgusting.' 

He shrugs, pulling it off. 'There. Happy?' 

'Fold,' I point to the large pile of clothes. Simon chucks his shirt at the ground, leaving it in a heap.

'You guys can go back to - what you were doing,' Simon says, sitting on the couch. 

'No way, you ruined the vibe,' Kate complains. She groans. 'I'm going to die a virgin.' 

'No you're not,' I say. 'You're going to die a cool virgin.' 

'Not funny,' Kate smacks my arm. 'Those clothes aren't going to fold themselves, Simon.' 

'Tell me what's in it for me,' He argues. 


CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora