It's over

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Ziggy turns around to face me slowly, her eyes shining in the bright moonlight. The outline of her red hair is illuminated like fire. 

The remains of Nick Goode are in a frazzled heap on the ground. The killers are also gone, not a trace left in their wake. He's gone. It's over. 

The curse is broken. 

'We did it,' I say, in a soft voice, walking towards her. Ziggy just stares at me in wonder, unblinking. She takes a step towards me, placing her hands on my cheeks and pressing her forehead against mine. 

'We did,' Ziggy pulls back for a second to smile. She leans in, kissing me. Her arms wrap around my back tightly. I hold onto her as hard as I can, like she's the only thing left in this world. 

Because she's the only thing left in mine. 

The ending feels somewhat sentimental and bittersweet. We got the ending we wanted. Not without sacrifice. The feeling of death still hovers over the air. There were 10 other people killed in the Nightwing massacre. Fortunately, Cindy Berman was discovered safe, though her friend Alice wasn't as lucky. 

We silently mourned the losses of the fallen. They weren't quite friends, but they will be missed. I can't even imagine how I could ever survive if Ziggy died again. Three times, I watched as she was killed. Over and over and over again. 

 Ziggy doesn't let go of my hand until we're safely in the ambulance.

 As the police cars pile in, we tell the story of how Nick Goode killed himself. It's hardly believable, as the marks left on his body suggest, however they seem to buy it. Maybe it's because bad things always happen when Shadysider's are involved. Or maybe they simply don't care. 

I wouldn't be surprised. 

Maybe he'll be missed, but his crimes certainly won't. His exploitation is yet to come, but it will. The truth always comes out in the end. 

'How are you doing?' Ziggy murmurs. My head is resting on her shoulder. The lights of her house are off, and Cindy's sleeping on the couch across from us. 

'Great,' I sigh, turning my head to look at her. 'You can't even imagine.' 

The sides of her mouth turn up slightly. 'Yeah. You'd never expect it...peace at last.' 

'We deserve it,' I say darkly, gripping her hand tighter. 

'Mhm,' Ziggy hums softly, her eyelids fluttering shut. 'What do you say, we move as far away from Shadyside as possible?' 

'Now?' I say, shifting my position slightly. 

'Tomorrow,' Ziggy turns her head to look at me. 'Cindy can come with us if she wants, but I have a feeling she's going to want to stay here a bit longer.' 

'Where are we going to get money for that?' I raise my eyebrows. 'We're two teenagers.' 

'You're like - three hundred years old,' Ziggy points out, nudging me. 

I nod slowly. 'I kinda like the sound of that plan.' 

'I'd go anywhere if it was with you,' Ziggy lowers her voice. 

'Through hell and back,' I agree. 

'I think we've already experienced hell, to be quite honest,' She inhales deeply. 'Heaven bound now?' 

'I hope so. Heaven bound.' 

'I love you, Y/N Fier,' Ziggy says. 

'I love you too, Ziggy Berman.' 

It was finally over. 


Ha. No it's not. 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now