I 1 I 1994

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As soon as I picked up the phone, I knew something was wrong. There's a certain survival instinct I've developed over these past hundred years *eyeroll*, courtesy of the curse. I'm not claiming to be psychic  but when there's danger right around the corner, I just know. 

'Who was it?' I inquire, as Y/N gently places the phone down. She turns to look at me slowly, fear in her eyes, and something that I can't quite place. Worry? Or recognition? 'Is it the curse?' My eyes widen. 'Is it back?' 

'Not ours,' Y/N says, slowly walking over to me. She closes her eyes, resting her forehead against my shoulder. 'It's the original curse. The one summoning the devil.' 

'The one that Shadysider's call Sarah Fier's curse?' I raise my eyebrows, lightly touching her shoulders. 'How can that be?' 

Y/N shakes her head. 'I don't know. Nick is dead...he couldn't possibly have re-enacted it. Who else? It would've had to be a Goode...I think.' 

'Not necessarily,' I sigh, blinking. 'I suppose, if he was giving instructions to someone else, then...' 

'That was Deena Johnson on the phone,' Y/N bites the inside of her cheek anxiously. 'She and her friends are being..how to put this..pursued by angry killers that are supposed to be dead.' 

I let out a short gasp. 'Deena Johnson...your friend from the alternate 1994?' 

'Yeah,' She blows out a short breath. 'They're coming here.' 


'I'm sorry, but I had no other options!' Y/N says. She trails off, pursing her lips. 'Alright that isn't true. I could've told them to fuck off. But we should help them!' 

'Listen, Y/N,' I sigh. 'It's not that I don't want to but, we've had a good long 16 years of peace and now this? I don't think I'm ready to deal with a whole other curse.' 

'I promise, this is the last time,' Y/N gives me a hopeful look. 'I'm really sorry.' 

'It's..okay,' I swallow hard. 'So they're coming to...what..ask us what we know?' 

'Well, they read the article from 1978,' She says. 'They know that we were two of the only survivors of the Camp Nightwing massacre-' 

'Oh god, don't remind me of that terrible night,' I flop down on the couch dramatically..but with entirely good reason.

'Right..well, they want to ask us how we survived,' Y/N says. 'Because Nick Goode ended up a pile of goo, and that's not really explained. They put two and two together and assumed the killers were after us too.' 

'Of course they did,' I scoff. 'Why are kids these days so fucking smart? And so like-drawn to trouble? When I was that age, I'm pretty sure I was-' 

'Trying to break your own curse that stopped you from dying in front of the love of your life?' Y/N finishes, raising her eyebrows. 'Yah.' 

'Okay, but before I knew any of that,' I say. 'Before that, I was...-' Causing trouble for my parents and arguing constantly with my sister. 'Obsessed with clothes and Ralph Macchio.' I finish lamely. 

'Uh huh,' Y/N takes in my sweatpants and hoodie. 'Obsessed with clothes.' 

'Hey, these are comfortable!' 

The doorbell rings. 


Shorter updates because my arm may or may not be broken. Rip me. 

Update: Good news, it's not broken!!! Next few chapters are coming tomorrow!!! :)

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