005. 1666

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There is nothing I would like more than to say that the following days after her death were progressively easier. 

They weren't and I don't believe they ever would be. 

I spent the days that passed locked up in the house, alone, under my blankets. I had not eaten or washed in three days. Without her, I'm nothing. I could've-I should've done something. Instead, I just stood there. Abigail visited once to remind me that the horrible ordeal was not my fault. It was only Pastor Miller's. The voice in my head says otherwise. If we hadn't committed such a terrible sin, she wouldn't have died. The voice has no logical evidence, but there is nothing to say it's wrong. 

Sometimes I think I still see her. 

A gentle knock sounds at the door. 

'Go away.' I mutter. 

'It's me,' Sarah's soft voice says, and she opens the door a crack. 'You need to eat, Y/N. This has gone on plenty long enough.' 

'It will never be long enough,' I pull the covers over my head once more. 'I'm trying to sleep.' 

Sarah ignores my plea, pulling the blankets off my head and placing a basket of meat and bread down on the table. 

'Killing yourself won't bring her back,' Sarah says finally. 'Come back to the world.' And with that, she turns around and leaves the room. 

I glare at the blank wall, rubbing my tear stained face. Whilst I sit alone, the town furiously tries to find someone to blame for all the deaths. I have to remind myself on a daily that she was not the only one to die. Twelve other children met their untimely deaths, including my brother, Henry. 

Someone must pay, or at least that's what the town says. 

With my hands feeling like they weigh a million pounds, I reach over and grab a piece of bread, devouring it in one bite. 

Maybe sitting in here alone is not the best option. 

I reluctantly stand up, taking another slice of bread with me. The floorboards creak under my feet as I pull on my boots. I'm sure I look a wreck, but that is only to be expected. 

It is dark out when I open the front door. Sarah has gone out with Hannah again to eavesdrop on the town meeting. I'm sure she awaits the day they find a poor soul to pin the blame on. 

'Y/N!' Sarah gasps, appearing out of nowhere and running towards me. 'Get back in the house.' 

I scramble back, tripping on my shoelaces. 'What's the matter?' 

She shakes her head, out of breath. 

'The town is convinced that Hannah and I have committed witchcraft,' She gasps, hands on her knees. 'We must leave at once.' 


'No time,' Sarah says, pulling my hand. 'Let's go.' 

I nod without argument, running as fast as I possibly can. We run out the back door into the coveted darkness. 

The sky is almost completely black and I can hear a faint yelling from behind us. 

'Keep going,' Sarah whispers. I gulp for air. 

'Where are we going?' 

'To Soloman Goode's house,' she responds promptly. 'He will help us.' 

My forehead wrinkles with confusion. 'He will?' 

'Yes.' Sarah says. 'I hope so.' 

The door to Soloman's house is bolted shut, but as soon as Sarah calls out for him, it opens. He wears a long black cloak and boots covered with grime and dust. 

'Please, you have to help us,' Sarah gasps, her chest heaving for air. 

'Sarah, Y/N,' Soloman only looks slightly shocked to see both of us. 'Yes, quickly.' 

He locks the door shut behind us, clasping his hands together. 'I must say, I'm terribly sorry about the ordeal you two are going through right now. And after losing your dear friend, Coraline, was it?' 

'Constance,' I correct bleakly, tightening my cloak around me. It's the first time I've said her name aloud since...

'I tried to convince them this was not your doing,' Soloman looks over at Sarah, a most regretful expression on his face.

'Listen to me,' Sarah interrupts. 'I went back to the woods, to the widow.' 


'She's dead. Someone killed her. And there's this book,' She inhales. 'With an incantation.' 

'An incantation?' I echo. 

'I think...I think someone struck a deal with the devil. Offering our town. In exchange for..in exchange for power.' Sarah's voice shakes. 'Soloman I swear it. It wasn't me.' 

'Sarah,' Soloman hesitates. 'I believe you. Who else knows about this?' 

'Just Y/N,' Sarah glances at me. 

'Not until now,' I protest. 

 'Summoning the devil is quite impossible for-' Soloman starts. 

A banging at the door stops him in his tracks. Sarah grabs my hand, pulling me on the ground. Though the windows are shut, and heavily curtained, one could peek through the cracks. 

'Go,' Soloman whispers, pointing around the corner to a closet. We dash across the room, ducking into the small cupboard. 

'Quick,' Sarah breathes, pointing into a small vent. She moves over slightly, allowing me to crawl in first. I hold my breath as dust tickles my throat. I can hear Sarah's shallow breathing from behind me. 

Fast as a hare, she's pulled back and I scream when I see the hands protruding from around her shoulders. She fights to kick her attacker off, grunting as his grip tightens. 

'GO!' Sarah shrieks. 'Y/N, RUN!'

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz