IV // 1994

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A relatively large gathering of Shadysiders and Sunnyvalers crowd onto the large field, looking nowhere near happy to be there. The tall podium that the mayor or police chief of Sunnyvale stands at is all set up with preppy shit and stuff. There are like a million banners in the background depicting Mayor Goode and his popular ass brother Nick Goode, the famous police chief who lived through the Camp Nightwing drama. I've never met him in person, but he looks like he'd be a real prick. 

I hop down the final step, watching as Ziggy's red hair disappears into the crowd. I spot Deena standing a few feet away from Kate on the field. There's a wildly visual line where Shadysiders meet Sunnvalers, with a space of at least a meter. 

'What'd I miss?' I ask, grabbing Kate's hand. 

'Not much,' Kate blows a bubble with her chewing gum. 'Deena's been staring at Sam and her new toy.' She gestures over to Sam's familiar figure. 

Figures she already has a new someone. Just didn't think it would be a guy. 

'I keep telling her, she needs to move on,' Kate shakes her head, wrinkling her nose. 'Get with someone else and forget about Samantha Fraser.' 

I shrug. 'Deena doesn't get over things very easily.' 

Kate meets my eyes, giving me a smile. 'And how are you doing, my love?' 

'Honestly, I'm sick of everything,' I glare into the distance. 'Except for you, Katie.' 

She kisses me on the cheek, blatantly ignoring the Sunnyvalers jeering at us. I glance over at Deena as Mayor Goode begins his so-called tragical speech. She's still staring at Sam, and the new guy. He has his hands all over her, which honestly doesn't seem very respectful during these circumstances, but that's just my opinion. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ziggy standing near the front of the crowd. From here, I can tell she's looking up at the Sunnyvale police chief, an unfathomable expression on her face. It looks like a mixture of confusion and anger, though I don't know where it's coming from. 

I choose to focus my attention on Deena instead, who's just disappeared through the throng of students. I turn my head as she reappears at the back, head bent over her phone. 

'Hey,' I whisper to Kate. 'I'll be right back, okay?' 

Kate nods. 'Don't be too long, I might vomit here without you.' 

I roll my eyes. 'Because I definitely wouldn't want to miss that.' 

She smirks, crossing her arms. 

Deena and Sam are standing far away from each other in between the bleachers, having some kind of argument. When I walk closer, I still can't make out most of their words, but it sounds extremely heated. 

'Y/N,' A voice whispers from behind me. 'Y/N.' 

I whip my head around, but no one's there. 


'Is there someone there?' I ask aloud. 

'Promise we'll be together forever?' 

'I promise, Constance.' 

'Y/N!' Someone yells in my ear. 

I jerk back into reality, opening my eyes. 'What the hell?' 

Sam and Deena are leaning over me, and my back is pressed against the cold concrete. 

'You passed out,' Deena holds her hand out for me to take. I grab it, shaking slightly. 'Are you okay?' 

'Yeah,' I say slowly. 'Didn't you hear it?' 

'Hear what?' Sam asks. 

'The voi-' I stare around the empty space. They're going to think I'm absolutely insane. 'Nothing. I just thought I hear something.' 

'Are you sure you don't need medical assistance, or anything?' Sam checks me over. 'You don't look like you have a concussion..' 

'You can't see a concussion,' Deena rolls her eyes. 

'You know what I mean,' Sam snaps. 

'Seriously, I'm fine,' I say. 'I'm going to go find Kate.' 

'Okay,' Deena says, glaring at Sam. 'Be careful, Y/N.' 

'I always am,' I say sarcastically, turning away. 'Try not to kill each other or anything.' 

I shove my way through the crowd, vaguely aware of Nick Goode speaking into the microphone about tragedies and horrible things that happen in Shadyside. 

'It's not a tragedy when it happens everyday,' One of the Sunnyvalers mutters to his friend. 'It's a joke.' 

'What did you just say?' A Shadysiders asks. 

'I said it's hardly a tragedy,' He sizes the other guy up. 'Y'all Shadysiders are always ruining things. Going psycho.' 

The Shadysider, Dylan I think his name is- advances on the Sunnyvaler, shoving him back. 

'Say that again.' 

I roll my eyes as a fight breaks out between them. By them, I mean the entire assortment of Sunnyvalers and Shadysiders. The crowd slowly turns into chaos as I find Kate again. She's yelling at everyone, trying to rally up the Shadysiders together. Typical Kate. 

Until she gets elbowed in the face. 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now