the truth

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I blink as all my thought solidify into one. Return. Show them the truth. 

Opening my eyes, I'm in a grocery store. Wreckage is all around me. Bright trails of red blood cover most of the tiles. The killers have gone, leaving behind almost nothing in their wake. Ziggy is laying on the ground next to a pile of epi pens. Sam has a knife through her chest, collapsed against a metal shelf. Simon has a large axe wound in his head. Kate - my dearest Kate suffered the worst feat. I will not begin to describe what became of her. 

Deena, the only one who seems to be alive is laying feebly on the ground, holding onto Sam's hand. 

'Deena,' I whisper, crouching beside her. 'Deena, you must wake up.' 

'Y/N?' She croaks, her voice completely hoarse. 'Am I dead?'

'Not yet,' I say quietly. 'I've got to show you something. Just trust me.' 

'Oh god,' Deena's eyes widen as she looks around at everyone. 'They're all dead!' A hysterical wail rises in her throat. I shake my head. 

'There isn't much time now,' I say slowly. 'Listen to me, okay? We can fix this.' 

She nods slowly. 'How?' 

I lean closer, placing my hands to her forehead. 'This is the truth.' 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now