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It's 1966, and I've yet to meet Constance.

I sit by myself on the side of the road, kicking stones at the trees. My dress, apron and boots have been replaced by a yellow tank top, denim shorts and casual sneakers. Each time I die, a small scar remains, a reminder of the curse that binds me away from Constance forever. The first, on my chest. A small knife mark, still slightly red around the edges. The second, a scar on my arm from where the fire burned me. However, most of my scars are on the inside. 

You can only die once, but you can suffer forever. 

It's true, I've only met two Constance's. I suppose you could say that the curse could be much worse. In 1666, I had a good 10 years with Constance before she was killed. In 1766, I spent 5 years with her and her family. I listened, as she confessed her feelings, and responded with mine. The next day, she died. In 1866, I only had 3 years with her until she was brutally murdered by yet another Shadyside killer. 

Maybe if I stayed away from her, she'd live a full life, without the sorrows of love and death. 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora