16 Years Later

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'Y/N,' Ziggy says, looking over at me from the TV. Her legs are crossed and she's staring at me intently. 'You didn't buy donuts yesterday. You said you would buy donuts yesterday.' 

I grin at her, pulling out a bag of donuts from behind me on the chair. 'What was that about donuts?' 

She laughs as I toss her one across the living room, laughing even harder when it falls to the floor. Our dog, (what's a good dog name) runs towards it, but she snatches it up quickly before he can even reach it. 

'Oh my god, you won't believe what Barbara did at work today,' I start with a smirk. 

'What did Barbara do this time?' Ziggy rolls her eyes. 

The TV drones on in front of us, echoing around the small house. 

Confession time, we didn't move very far. Just outside of Shadyside. We decided, that it would be better to stay nearby. Besides, it was the cheapest place we could find. Cindy insisted that if we were going to move at all, we should at least stay where she can drive out to see us from time to time. 

Someone had to make sure we were staying out of trouble. 

For the most part, we do. *wink wink*. Without Nick Goode being an asshole and trying to destroy the world, things have been pretty peaceful around here. I haven't thought about the curse in years. Sometimes I do think about Kate, and the rest of the gang. It's 1994 now, so this is around the time I was with them. I hope they're doing okay. 

I hope Josh is making sure Kate's happy. 

I hope Kate stays away from bread slicers. 

I hope Sam remembers to be who she is. 

I hope Simon remembers to change his shirt. 

I hope Deena lets Sam eat her Jello. 

I try not to wonder what became of all of them. 

'Hey, you okay?' Ziggy asks, glancing at me. 'Is something wrong?' 

'No,' I say with a smile. It's true. Everything is where it's supposed to be. We can finally have our happily ever after. 

The phone rings loudly. 

Oh shit, what is it now?

'I'll get it,' Ziggy says, rolling her eyes. 'It's like midnight, who's calling at this goddamn hour?' 

'It's probably a prank call,' I take a huge bite of donut, savouring it's sweet taste. Yeah, well, nothings as sweet as Ziggy. Alright, fine. I'll stop. 

Ziggy's eyes widen as she holds the phone closer to her ear. 'What? Who is this?' 

I place the donut down, walking over to her. 'Who is it?' 

Ziggy shrugs, handing me the phone. 'Hello?'

'Hello? Is this Y/N Brown?' Someone's panicked voice yells in my ear. 'This is Deena Johnson. I need to talk to you about how you survived the Camp Nightwing massacre! It's really important!' 

'Deena?' My eyes widen. 'What's going on?' 

I almost forget that she doesn't know me. 

'We're being attacked at the school!' Deena panics. 'The killers- it's Sarah Fier's curse.' 

'Hold on-' 

'Can we speak with you at your house? Please. It's urgent.' 

I look up at Ziggy, who mouths 'what's going on?' 

Swear to god, this bullshit is coming back all over again. 

If Nick's dead, then why is the old curse still happening?


Uh oh. Who did it this time? 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang