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(Play the song) 

I'm swimming in an endless ocean. 

The world is peaceful. 

My head is underwater but I can breathe just fine. 

Someone's calling me. 

I'd like to answer. 


'Y/N!' A voice yells directly in my ear. I bolt straight up, staring around wildly. A girl is sitting in front of me. She looks awfully familiar. 

It's me. 

'You need to go back,' Her voice says, sounding weirdly distorted. 'They need you. I've helped them as much as I can. You must show Deena the truth.' 

'What do you mean, 'helped them as much as you can'?' I ask. 'I'm you, and you're me.' 

She-or-I smile. 'Not quite.' The girl in front of me looks slightly different to me. She's wearing a blue dress with a tidy apron tied to the front. 

'You're me from 1666,' I say, the words tumbling out of my mouth. 'It was you who possessed Sam.' 

'The first time, yes,' She dips her head slowly. 'I suppose you've figured out that our dear sister was the other ghost?' 

I nod silently. 'There's a curse on us, isn't there?' I say this as a question, though I don't really mean it as one. 

'There is so much more I should like to tell you,' She whispers, brushing her hands on her apron. 'However, I would much rather show you.' 

'Show me?' 

'You must do this for Deena Johnson. There will be a sacrifice, but that is the price of the truht,' She blinks. 'As Sarah said before, you have a certain amount of control over this round of the curse.'

A sacrifice?

'It's Ziggy,' I say slowly. 'She was Constance.' 

She doesn't answer this, only giving me a small smile. 'Close your eyes.' 

I comply, shutting my eyelids tight. The feeling of cool hands land on either side of my face. 'Brace yourself.' 

In a flurry of colours, everything comes back to me. 

'Will you..can something? You know, more than...friends.' She whispered.

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now