ACT ONE 1666

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As I carefully lay out the rest of the tea set, gently placing two cups down on the worn brown table, a knock sounds at the door. I smooth out my dress; though it's ugly, it is the finest Sarah could possibly afford. The blue creases spread out under my hands as I take a deep breath. 

She's here. 

'Good evening,' I pull the door open, hiding my abnormally large smile. I tuck a strand of my brown hair behind my ear, trying to brush dust off my apron with the other hand. 'The full moon rises before nightfall.'

'A good night to enjoy the fruits of the land.' She stands on the front porch, barely composing herself, with red hair falling around her face in beautiful ringlets. The slightest of a smirk remains on her face as she curtsies.  

'That it is,' I nod, tucking my hair behind my ears. 

'It's a pleasure to see you, Sunshine,' Her dimples flash as she grins at me, holding out her hand. 'Constance Berman, pleased to make your acquaintance this fine night.' 

'Lovely to see you, too, Ziggy,' I tip my chin up, using Constance's favourite nickname. As the name leaves my lips, all composure is finally lost. 

Constance beams, holding out the picnic basket that was placed neatly behind her leather boots. 

'Thank you,' I take it in my left hand, grabbing her hand in my right. 'I've set the tea out to steep.' 

'Excellent,' She lowers her voice to a whisper. 'Now, must we be so formal?' 

'I suppose not,' I rest the basket in the middle of the table. 'How is Abigail today?' 

'Come now, you saw her this morning,' Constance rolls her blue eyes, making her expression the utmost example of mock-annoyance. 

'Fine, fine,' I rest my head in my hands. 'What is it that you wish to talk about?' 

'I believe you know what I want to speak with you about,' Constance utters dramatically, training her eyes on mine. My heart flutters in my chest and many butterflies spread their wings in my stomach. 

Hurriedly, I give a glance at both opposite windows on the sides of the room. Then, ever so inconspicuously, I gesture towards the hallway. Constance snags a biscuit as I walk briskly towards my room. She beats me there, tugging the door open giving a grand sweeping movement with her hand. 

'After you, m'ilady.' 

I stifle a laugh, hopping across the room in one bound and sitting down on my cot. Sarah's is on the other side of the room, still neatly made. 

'You never answered my question, Sunshine,' Constance smirks at me. 'Remember, from the other day?' 

'I remember,' I lean back, replaying the moment in my head. 

The apple tree was most ripe during the heat of the summer. It's apples were just beginning to fall from their perches. Constance and I were stationed at the topmost branches, grasping onto the trunk to remain stable. I had just reached for an apple and lost my balance, toppling down onto the hard ground. 

'Y/N!' She exclaimed, jumping out of the tree. I laid on the ground, coughing and gasping for breath, all wind knocked out of me. 'Are you alright?' 

'I think so,' I shook my head, trying to remove the tiny sticks from my hair. Constance reached out to pull a leaf from my hair and that is when I kissed her. Her lips were sweet and tasted vaguely of the strawberries we picked together earlier that morning. I felt her eyelashes flutter shut and the tiniest of breaths escaped her lips. 

'Sunshine....' Constance trailed off, after I pulled back. 

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,' I jumped to my feet, starting to walk away. 

'No, wait,' There wasn't a hint of anger on her pale features. Not even a little regret. 

'I wanted to know, something,' Constance raised her gaze to meet mine. 'I was going to ask you months ago, but I just couldn't find the right words.' 

'Yes?' I replied breathlessly. 

'Will you..can something? You know, more than...friends.' She whispered. 


'Constance,' I say now, taking her hand in mine. 'There is nothing more I could ever want. I need you to know that.' 

She nods slowly. 'But, it's strictly forbidden,' I close my eyes, inhaling deeply. 'The town, would never approve. You know what they would do to us for practicing such.' 

'Then we don't tell anyone!' Constance protests, standing up. 'We can run away from all of them. Together.'

I pull her into me, resting my hands on her freckled cheeks. 

'Ziggy,' I whisper. 'I couldn't leave Sarah and Henry. I'm sorry.' 

The muscle moves in her jaw and her arms go slack. 'I...I understand.' 

'It's not because of you, at all,' I add. 'You know I love you.' 

A small smile creeps onto Constance's face. 'I love you too.' 

'Goodness, I wish things were different,' I admit softly. 

'Me too,' She murmurs, leaning her head in to touch mine. 'Well then.' 

'Well what?' 

'We must make the most of the rest of this night,' She says with a playful smile. 'Shall we?' 

'I daresay we should.' 

It was not until I had almost drifted to sleep when I realized we'd forgotten the tea.

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant