013. 1978

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Somehow, despite my invincibleness, the demented Tommy Slater manages to throw me off. He sprints off in the direction of Ziggy and Nick, much to my dismay. 

I curse under my breath, running towards the exit. There's a slight dizziness in my head and stomach, where the axe passed through, but there doesn't seem to be any marks. Oh well. 

'ZIGGY!' I scream, looking at the ground for footprints. Anything. Any sign of her. 'Oh, shit. Oh shit, shit, shit-' 

The entire camp is deserted and a feeling of panic goes through me as I see fresh tire tracks on the dirt road leading out of Nightwing. 

Could she be one of the people who made it out? 

I couldn't possibly be that fortunate. 

A loud scream emits from the bathroom stalls directly in front of me. Thankfully, it's too high pitched to be Ziggy, but unthankfully, someone else is currently being murdered. 

I run in the direction of the screams, which may not have been a good idea-

'Y/N!' Nick gasps, grabbing my arm. He tugs me around the other side of the building. 'Oh, thank god. You're alive.' 

'Where's Ziggy?' I ask, panting heavily. 'Is she in there?'

Nick nods, resting his head in his hands. 

'Jesus Christ, this is-' 

'Bad?' I place my hands on my hips. 'Yeah, thanks for telling me.' 

I shake my head rapidly, pulling the door open. Inside, Tommy, or Axe Murderer-as he should be called-has just finished decapitating one of the older campers while Ziggy is crouched in the corner. 

'What, the fuck is wrong with you!' I shout, jumping on the Axe Murderer's back. Now that I'm saying this, it may not have been such a practical decision on my part, but none of the events  in my lives have been practical in any way, whatsoever. 

Axe Murderer tries to throw me off, slamming my back into the wall of one of the stalls. My vision goes dark for a couple seconds, and the room spins. I can hear Nick and Ziggy yelling, and out of my peripheral vision, I think I see Sheila scrambling out the door and into the woods. 

'Tommy!' I grip the sides of his head, shaking him. 'Tommy Slater!' I have no idea what that was going to do, but since everyone else is too busy trying not to die-

He roars loudly, trying to throw me off, but I cling tighter to his back. The axe hits one of the pipes in the walls and it bursts, spraying all of us with water. 

'Cindy,' Ziggy gasps, pointing below the building. 'She's down there!' 

Nick glances wildly between the three of us, aiming a plank of wood at Slater. It bounces off his shoulder, narrowly missing my face. 

'TRY AND AIM FOR HIM!' I close my eyes, hanging on for dear life. As I do, I picture Cindy and Ziggy-mainly out of the first thing that pops into mind. 

The strangest thing, I can feel the world slow down and Tommy stops trying to fling me off. 

'Cindy?' His voice sounds echoey in my brain. 'Cindy? Are you there?' 

'Tommy?' I whisper, in my head our out loud I'm not sure. 

My vision clears and suddenly, I'm standing in the middle of a cave. The very same cave that I died in, 300 years ago. 

Tommy's sitting on the ground, staring at one of the cave walls, along with another group of people. 

Only one of them is a girl, and she's holding a razor blade, rocking back and forth on the heels of her feet. 

'Ruby...Lane?' I gasp. She seems to only hear me slightly, gesturing towards the wall. 


I take a careful step forward, shifting my position on the ground. On the cave wall, there's a long list of names. 

Cyrus Miller 

Billy Barker

Harry Rooker

Ruby Lane

Tommy Slater

It goes on. 

'Don't let us go forgotten,' Ruby urges, grabbing my hand. 

'I don't think that's possible,' I say honestly, lowering my voice. 

'But for the wrong reasons,' Tommy steps forward. 

'Who did this?' I beg. 'Who did this to all of you?' 

'We cannot say,' Ruby whispers. 'The laws of goode and evil are too powerful.' 

'Good and evil?' I repeat quietly. 

'Ah, but they are all too similar,' Ruby and Tommy exchange a significant look. 'You shall find that good's justification for evil is entirely that. Evil.' 

'Good's justification for evil?' I echo. 'I don't understand.' 

'I'm sorry,' Ruby's expression turns most forlorn. 'Would you tell my mother something for me?' 

'Of course,' I nod. 'Anything.' 

'Tell her she was close to the truth.' Ruby urges. 'And that I never meant to...' Her mouth closes and she looks away. 

'And would you please tell Cindy something for me?' Tommy asks. 'Tell her that I love her. I never got to tell her.' 

'I will.' I say. 'Anything else?' 

'And that I'm sorry.' 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now