VI // 1994

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TW: Blood (sorry I should've put a warning in the last chapter as well...)


The car is crashed at the bottom of the hill, partially sunk into the ground. Its headlights are still flashing, but the sides are busted, as are all four windows. 

'Are you alive?' Someone groans, moving around in the front seat. 

I stand near the wreckage, my eyes landing on Sam, who's on her hands and knees on the ground. Her gaze seems faraway, and her hands are deep in the weird plant. Sitting back on her legs, she reaches up, touching her bloody nose. 

'Sam?' I whisper, stepping towards her carefully. 'Sam, are you okay?' 

There's a long gash across her forehead, and her uniform is covered in dirt. Besides that, she doesn't even seem to hear me. As Sam brings her blood covered hand to the ground, a sense of foreboding goes through me. 'Wait-' 

But it's too late. She presses her hand to the ground, a physical shock goes through me. A piercing scream goes through my ears and I wince. Quick red flashes fly by my eyes, making my vision swim. A woman, screaming- a tree, with a noose hanging from it. Two girls laying down on the grass, unmoving. The same girls I saw before. 

A loud gasp sounds beside me, and Ziggy falls to her knees on the moss. Her hands fly to her head, and she grimaces in pain. 

'Y/N! SAM!' Deena yells, tripping down the hill with Kate behind her. 'Oh, my god!' 

Kate dashes to my side, turning my chin to face her. 

'Oh god, your nose,' She takes out a tissue from her pocket, holding it to my face. 'What the hell happened?' 

'Sam?' Deena says uncertainly, stepping over to the unresponsive girl. 

I gasp for air. 'I saw her.' 

'Who?' Kate blinks. 

'The witch.' 

'I saw it too,' Ziggy whispers, standing unsteadily to her feet. 'Who's the witch? Was that the woman screaming?' 

'You heard it?' My eyes widen, as I glance over my shoulder. 

'I don't understand,' Kate throws a wild look at Deena, then at Ziggy. 'You both saw Sarah Fier.' 

'Sarah...Fier,' I breathe, my eyelids fluttering uncontrollably. 'She's, the witch?' 

'I think you both should get some help,' Deena mutters, her gaze flicking towards the car. 'Did they do something to them?' 

'The hell, Shadyside Dyke?' One of the boys spits on the ground. 'You're the one who made us crash the car! Look at Sam!' 

Sam leans back on her knees, placing her hands on the ground again. Her gaze remains unfocused, staring into the woods. 

'It's your fault for following us,' Deena scoffs, kneeling down toward Sam. 'Sam, can you hear me?' 

'It's her,' Sam murmurs under her breath. Her breathing becomes more ragged as she rocks back and forth. 'It's her. It's her. It's-' 

'Who?' Kate utters, wrapping an arm around my waist to steady me. 

'The curse.' Sam's eyes flash. 'It's not hers. It's not hers. It's not hers. She was hanged for witchcraft. Good and evil. Same, all the same. Constance. The second Fier. The second curse.' 

'Constance...' Ziggy and I say at the same time. 

'This is hella weird,' Simon coughs, stumbling over to us. He looks at Sam, and a faraway gaze goes through his eyes. 'We need to clear her airway.' 

Sam shakes her head. 'Huh?' She frowns. 'I'm fine.' 

'You aren't fine,' Deena says. 

'Hey Sam, get away from her,' The Sunnyvale jock takes a step towards Deena, wobbling slightly on his feet. 

'Get back,' I hiss. 

'I'm fine,' Sam repeats. With a low coughing sound, she vomits blood all over Simon's shirt, a few red drops splattering over Deena's shoes. 

'Oh hell no,' The other Sunnyvaler shakes his head, pulling out his phone. 

Ten minutes later, the police arrive. Well, one police officer, and it just happens to be the esteemed Nickolas Goode. 

I put on a fake face, avoiding all conversation about Sam's strange rant, and the shared visions between Ziggy and I. 

Nick Goode stands in front of Kate and I, holding out his notepad. 

'Y/N...' He narrows his eyes. 'What's your last name?' 

'Fi-uh Johnson,' I say. 

'You're Deena's sister?' Goode raises his eyebrows. 'Okay, and you?' 

'Kate Schmidt,' Kate answers, her eyes darting over to me. 

'And what happened?' 

'I don't know,' I say sarcastically. 'Somehow, this car ended up in a ditch, and here we are.' 

Goode sighs, shifting his weight. When he takes a step towards us, he has a slight limp, like his left leg isn't functioning properly. 

'Can you tell me anything else? Was the car following you?' He asks, pen poised over the paper. 

'The car was behind the bus, if that counts as following,' I say dully, wiping my nose again. 

'How'd you get that nosebleed?' Goode gestures to my face. 

I shrug. 'It happens sometimes.' 

'And how many others were down there?' He glances back at the bus, where Ziggy and Simon are climbing the stairs. His attention flicks back to the bus, eyes widening. 'Who's the redhead?' 

'That's Maxine,' Kate responds. 'Maxine Mayfield. She just moved to Shadyside.' 

'Oh,' Goode nods, jotting something down. 'Send Deena Johnson over here, will you? And Samantha Fraser. I've got a couple of follow up questions.' 

'Will do....' I narrow my eyes. 'Sir.' 

Goode's gaze lingers over me for a couple more seconds before Kate and I turn, walking back to the bus. 

Something is off about Nick Goode. 

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