XVI // 1994

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TW: Violence 


The plan has two parts. 

1: draw the killers to the school (where we'll be hiding) 

2: blow them up in the girls washroom

What the others (Josh, Simon and Deena) failed to mention, is that Ziggy and I are being used as live bait. 

'You can't use them as bait,' Kate's jaw sets and she shakes her head. 'No fucking way.' 

'Just because Y/N's your girlfriend,' Ziggy mutters. 'It's not like you give a shit about me.' 

Kate pointedly ignores her, and I can feel the tension between the two. It's been there since the whole 'true love' thing, understandable, but unnecessary in this point in time. 

'It's fine, Katie,' I assure her. 'Besides, I can't be hurt, right?' 

'As far as we know,' Kate mumbles under her breath. 

'Only one way to find out,' Deena says, somewhat darkly. 

She pulls a black object out of her jacket pocket, pointing at me. 

'What the fuck are you going to do with-' Kate's voice raises two pitches as Deena fires the gun. 

I wince, closing my eyes and bracing to be killed by my best friend. The impact never comes, and when I look down, there's a small hole in my shirt and a bullet laying on the floor. 

'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU DEENA JOHNSON?' Kate shrieks, jumping at her. Deena drops the gun in surprise, falling backwards onto the floor. 

Ziggy and I pull Kate off of her, and I trap her against the wall. 'I'm fine,' I say quickly. 'I don't even have a scratch.' 

Kate's chest heaves and she glares at Deena. 'You could've just poked her with a safety pin!' 

Deena shrugs. 'Yeah, but that's not a fatal injury. Surviving a bullet to the heart is a whole other story.' 

'I don't know,' Sam says uncertainly. 'That seemed like a huge leap of faith there.' 

'Guys, I'm fine,' I say. 'Let's get this over with.' 

'Okay,' Josh says, a determined expression on his face. 'here's what we have to do.' 

Ten minutes later, there's a long trail of blood (mine and Ziggy's - turns out I can bleed) mixed with water - from the door of the  school to the girls bathroom. It's right down the middle of the hallway. The bathroom floor is covered with gasoline, and the window above the stalls is propped open for us to fit through. The others (Deena, Sam, Simon, Josh, and Kate are pressed against the wall, beside the line of blood.

'Are you sure about this?' Kate sighs, gripping my hand like a vice. 'I really don't like this plan. At all.' 

'I'm sure,' I say, leaning in to kiss her. She sighs again, her breath sweet against my face. 

'Alright guys!' Josh claps his hands together. 'Let's uh- stop kissing for now, okay?' 

Ziggy rolls her eyes. 'I second that.' 

'Whatever, Mayfield,' Kate grumbles, going back to stand beside Deena.

A loud banging sound draws the attention of everyone to the doors. It's Tommy Slater. His axe swings menacingly in the air. Followed closely behind him is Ruby Lane. 

'You always hurt, the one you love,'  The melody floats down the hallway, sending shivers down my spine. 

Finally, the dim outline of the Mall Killer enters. The first thing I notice, is that they're all walking. Like really slowly. Why do killers always walk? 

Tommy Slater bends down, touching the blood/water mixture with his hand. The other killers seem to be gathered around him. 

In sync, they all look up, seemingly right at Ziggy and I. 

'Go!' Josh yells, as Tommy speeds up. 

We run towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Originally, the plan was that I would use my lighter to ignite the bathroom, while Ziggy crawled through the window. The thing that I didn't anticipate, is how fast the killers would be with us in the bathroom. 

Ziggy screams as Ruby Lane grabs her around the waist, pulling her backwards. I kick Ruby in the stomach, ignoring the fact that the other two are right behind me. 

'Ziggy, go!' I yell, shoving her towards the stall. She glances back at me, as I try to fend off the three killers (note the word try). I watch as she scrambles through the small hole. 

They seem to know what's coming as I flick the lighter, dropping it onto the floor. 

Like a snake, the fire crawls across the ground, spreading higher and higher. Smoke surrounds me as the air grows hot. 

'Burn in hell,' I whisper, as the room explodes with fire. 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now