right back where we started

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it wasn't real. 

it wasn't real. 

it wasn't real. 

40 seconds until the darkness reaches me. 

i'll explain. 

39 seconds until the darkness reaches me. 

we killed goode. spilt his blood.

37 seconds until the darkness reaches me. 

the office was tainted with red. 

36 seconds before the darkness reaches me. 

he just looks up and smiles. 

35 seconds before the darkness reaches me. 

you're too late. he says. 

34 seconds. 

Deena is gone. 

33 seconds. 

Josh is gone. 

32 seconds. 

Sam is gone. 

31 seconds. 

Ziggy is gone. 

30 seconds. 

i am gone. 

29 seconds. 

i think we did this all wrong. 

28 seconds. 

there should have been a different way to end things 

27 seconds. 

the thing i realized, as i stared down at him. 

26 seconds. 

Ziggy and i don't even belong in this timeline. 

25 seconds. 

who was i to invade the lives of the people i loved, and asked them for help on this impossible mission?

24 seconds. 

we lost Kate. we lost Simon. 

23 seconds. 

i failed. 

22 seconds. 

i am brought back to the moment with myself. 

21 seconds. 

she tells me  i failed. 

20 seconds. 

i shouldn't have let the sacrifice happen. 

19 seconds. 

there is a price for everything, i said back to her. 

18 seconds. 

you should not have left a mark on this timeline. she says. 

17 seconds. 

i am killed, by myself. 

16 seconds. 

now i am floating through a void. towards the darkness. 

15 seconds. 

maybe i'll go to hell. 

14 seconds. 

maybe i'll go to heaven. 

13 seconds. 

this wasn't the way things were supposed to end. 

12 seconds. 

i didn't get to tell Ziggy goodbye. 

11 seconds. 

i thought i had control over this round of the curse. 

10 seconds. 

maybe i still do. 

9 seconds. 

or maybe i shouldn't have tried to control anything at all. 

8 seconds. 

i'm not ready to leave yet. 

7 seconds. 

there's still things i have to do. 

6 seconds. 

things i have to say to Kate. 

5 seconds. 

in Simon's words: don't die a virgin. 

4 seconds. 

i need to tell them. 

3 seconds. 

that i'm sorry. 

2 seconds. 

i am not going now. 

1 second. 

Nick Goode provoked the curse. 

2 seconds away from the darkness. 

3 seconds away from the darkness. 

the sudden air hits my face-


next update will be tomorrow!


tiny explanation: that last part where Deena came back from being Sarah like WTF, was all sort of an illusion of the curse. the reason it doesn't make sense is because Josh, Sam, and Ziggy had all died while Y/N was talking to 'herself'. but that version of herself wasn't even real either...so because Ziggy died - you know the routine. however, in 1978, Y/N did spill Nick's blood. 

What does that mean for the next round?

you shall find out soon. 

Edit: I made an new update that hopefully explains things a lot better than I did here.....Kate and Y/N closure coming soon. Very, very soon. But just note that this is a Ziggy X reader. So it's Ziggy endgame. 

CURSED // ZIGGY BERMAN X FEM READERWhere stories live. Discover now