"You're not going to work Spring Training?"

"The first day I could go back is March 12th. I get three months, but I want to see if he'll let me have two more weeks. Of course, I want to and might go in a few times but we don't really have anything set up yet for her and if I'm still able to stay at home with her, I will."

"I don't think he would have a problem with that."

"Yeah, I don't think he will either, but I still have to let him know."

"Speaking of that, do you have any thoughts about how we're going to go about that?"

"Well, she's obviously going to travel with us. I'm not leaving her with anyone even if it's family. When we're in Milwaukee, sure. But when we're on the road, she's coming with us and we'll have to figure it out. I think if we're in Milwaukee and someone can't watch her, she can either sit down with me if they'll let me, or I'd like to think that one of the other wives would be willing to watch her during the game."

"Yeah, she's not staying in Milwaukee with whoever while we're in New York or wherever we happen to be. We'd miss her too much. I think the other wives have a really good village with each other so I doubt they'd say no."

"I don't think they would either. It's just not an everyday thing where both of us work the same crazy schedule with stupid hours sometimes."

"Yeah, and when mom comes out, I know she'd watch her. I'm sure Trin and your dad would too if they could."

"She's already told me about everything they're going to do one day while she watches her."

"That doesn't surprise me."

"Yeah, me either. She really told me 'Luna, I've been waiting for this day for so long.' I knew she was excited but wow."

"So does this mean she'll take her for a night?" he asks, smirking.

"Probably. Don't be getting any ideas. I haven't been cleared yet."

"And when will that be?" He's curious for all the right reasons. Don't get me wrong, I miss it just as much.

"Two weeks, I think. I don't know, whenever I take her in for her six-week appointment is also mine."

"Sounds fun."

"Super excited, can't you tell?" I say sarcastically.

"I know you're so excited."

Setting the car seat down on the couch, trying to be quiet since Christian's napping right now. Must've been a tough workout this morning. Sienna and I just got back from our appointments. Christian will be a happy camper to learn that I'm cleared and can basically do anything now.

I plop down on the couch and put my feet up. I pull my shirt up so I can feed her quickly. I reach for the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch and put it over my chest after she latches on correctly. I didn't know how rewarding it would be to breastfeed until I started doing it. I'm literally her supply for all of her food and nutrients. It's all coming from me. I just never knew something could be so rewarding, hard, exciting, and hurt at the same time.

Christian moves enough to wake himself up and looks around before his eyes land on me. "When'd you get back?"

"A few minutes ago."

"How'd it go?"

"She got another shot and I cried more than she did," I tell him and he laughs, "But they said she's really healthy and growing really well. And I got cleared."

I see a small smirk turn on his lips as he gets up and lays on the other side of me where I'm not feeding Sienna. "Tired?"

"Yeah, Cody and I were both wore out by the time we were done."

All Mine - Christian YelichWhere stories live. Discover now