" Are you fucking serious?!" [Name] blurted, getting pissed slowly as Zack's rage was even worse than the woman's.
" Don't suck up to a girl or I will make you eat from a straw! Cut your balls, boys."

" Zack, are you fighting again?" Mira questioned, entering the classroom at one of the worst times as he instantly acted like Yui's supporters.
" What do you mean, Mira? No one is fighting here!" Zack defended himself while [Name] nodded along.
" Most Muhammad did was threaten to revoke ball privileges, I personally would have revoked penis but it's a matter of preference." [Name] shrugged," Plus, he can't do much with his broken arms."

Class began shortly after the verbal argument, [Name] retreated to her normal chair beside Jay who smiled at her before someone walked into the class with the teacher.

It was big Crystal, she came in with a box that was filled to the brim with Bulgogi Burgers, one of [Name] and Crystal's favorite foods.

" Please be nice to Crystal. Bon appetit~ I'm Crystal's sister, [Name]'s cousin, and as twins we're the same age... so enjoy the food." The beautiful woman gave a fake smile to the class, though when she looked over at some of the shocked faces of the room it turned into genuine joy.

" She is damn fine."
" They both look nothing like her."
" Fraternal twins?"

Crystal's eyes go over to Yui who sat shocked, though no one could blame her seeing as how it was shocking the two were related.

" Please don't bother Crystal~" she purred as she watched Yui turn back to the male lackies.
" Who would do that?"
" I have no idea...!"
" Don't worry about Crystal!" Long face screamed out, jumping out of his chair as he thought he looked like a hero,".. I'll look after her!"

" Oh.. um.. I guess.."
" Honestly, she'd be better off dead than in the care of Doo." [Name] sighed, making the male a bit deflated and pissed from the fact that both shot him down.

" Excuse me." A voice called from outside the door. There stood Vin Jin blushing with his phone out," ..give me your number... fuck."
" Wow, Vin is hunting digits."
" Hehe, he's the man."
" As her cousin I disagree to this completely."
" Yeah, no way!" Crystal agreed with [Name]," I don't like your sunglasses.."

" Lol!"
" Ruthless!"
" Rejected!"
" Tsk tsk tsk."
" I would say no too."
" Haha."
" Overconfident."
" ..She's so pretty."
" I have a girl crush."
" I can see how they're related."
" They both look like models."


" Hey, [Name], how are the puppies doing?" Daniel questioned [Name] as she sat across from him and Zack who had their head down on the table to rest.

It had been 3 months since the puppies were born. Granted they were still relatively small but they gave the insomniac a run for her money.

" If I wasn't loaded I would have gone broke by now." [Name] sighed, thankful for the life she had," They're a bit crazy though honestly, Enu and Zeus alone were a bit much but now four puppies that have the same energy of Zeus? It's tiring."
" Just put them up for adoption, they're three months old already." Zack insisted while [Name] instantly refuted the idea.
" How could you Ali! They're the only things that bring me mental stability! Their cuddles cure the worst depressions and relieve the most intense anxiety!" [Name] gasped dramatically but she instantly relaxed into a similar position as Zack in front of Daniel," Plus I could never separate them. Enu needs them as much as they need her, and having her around Zeus makes her much more comfortable. I could never tear apart the family they have now. If anything I just need a pet sitter so I can have a break."
" You sound like you have a solution already."
" That's where you're wrong! I don't have a sitter and I can't trust just anyone with my rays of sunshine!" [Name] sighed before having an idea," Unless... you're offering to—"
" No."
" What?! But why not?! What about you, Daniel?"
" Uh... sorry, I need all the money I can get."

Brass Knuckles (Lookism x reader)Where stories live. Discover now