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The moving process is faster than expected. After all, when both sides are in the same city, they really don’t need to move everything over at once, so they just picked and picked up some daily necessities and? The clothes, everyone dragged a suitcase and returned home easily, without even having to ask for help.

But when he got home, Lin Qing had a lot of peace of mind compared to yesterday. He consciously chose the room without Qiao Yu's reminder, and he cleaned it up honestly. The stone that Qiao Yu had been holding on his chest since yesterday fell slightly? Come in and enter the other bedroom to set up his belongings.

This process takes more time than moving. Seeing that the sky outside the window gradually turns yellow, Qiao Yu secretly sighs that it’s such a good thing for a college student to be a holiday on a working day. He patted the dust on his hands and walked to Lin Qing’s bedroom. At the door, leaning on the door and knocking politely.

"What about dinner? Do you want to order takeaway?"

"Yeah..." Lin Qing has almost cleaned up the room-she didn't bring a lot of things, but now it seems that the room is still very simple. She frowned and thought about it, and finally sighed in compromise." I originally wanted to say that I would go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and come back to make it, but in that case, I would definitely get it late."

"Then next time." Although Qiao Yu is not really hungry, she still agrees? Nodded, "Anyway, we will have more opportunities in the future."

Her words obviously won Lin Qing's heart, and Lin Qing responded with a joyful smile on her face.

"Well, next time, I want to cook with you."

"Today... let's order takeaway first." She lowered her voice and said in a subtle volume that was on the verge of inaudibility, "...after all, tonight's time is precious."

Qiao Yu didn't hear too clearly, only heard the last two words "precious", and he automatically filled in his mind as "meal time is precious", so he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to order food, for fear of being hungry. Lin Qing.

The two of them prepared the takeaway together, and they arranged the living room and other common areas together while they were waiting for dinner.

…How do I say it, once I start working together, I feel that way.

Watching Lin Qing crouching in front of the TV and fiddling with the remote control, Qiao Yu's heart jumped abruptly, and the feelings that made her unable to stretch the corners of her mouth could not stop.

The whole thing has been brought to life from when she was brought up to now? It took too short a time to finish the implementation, and Qiao Yu could not naturally think of the word "cohabitation" in her heart. He would always change it roundly because of the inexplicable feeling that made people blush and heartbeat. statement.

She and Lin Qing are going to live together. This is their common home.

The house that I thought was empty yesterday is undergoing rapid transformation, but just because I saw Lin Qing's existence, I felt the air became lively, making Qiao Yu feel warm and peaceful?

In short, it feels like a new marriage!

It's really hard to completely stop the imagination running away in his mind. Qiao Yu silently rubbed his eyebrows, and derives more imagination from the word "newly married" that he couldn't help thinking of—all evil thoughts, nothing to mention.

The most hateful thing is that she was determined to cleanse her mind and discussed with the system to read her two passages. As a result, the system should be very happy, and then she started to play the wedding march without saying anything. It was really inaudible to others. Guy.

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