03. Alpha - Angel

Start from the beginning

And there was also the super surprise factor, Charlotte's pregnancy.

'Werewolf can conceive very difficult.' That seemed at this point the biggest bullshit he ever heard. Both Charlotte and Mila seemed to have gotten pregnant after only one night. If that wasn't a jest of destiny Angel didn't know what was.

Or maybe the Wittfeld sperm was magical, thought Angel annoyed.

He needed a drink and a friend, he concluded. As much as he loved his sister she became very irritating lately. He understood that Amaru had been her mate and the mate bond made her feel and act like that in part but Amaru had beaten her and had treated her awful,he would not shed any tear for such a bastard if he were her.

And there was that endlessly annoying meeting. Rogues this, rogues that, Rodrigo's annoying face....

"Que piensas, Angelito?/ What are you thinking of, Angelito? " he heard him say disturbing his thoughts.


"Pues que tomes una decisión carajo. Comportarte como Alpha, niño. O es mejor que yo tomé tu lugar? Alejandra precisa de un nuevo hombre en su cama. Hombre de verdad no como ... ya sabes... a qual le gusta tomárselo por culo/.
Well that you make a decision, for fuck sake. Or is it better if I take your place? The pack needs a leader and Alejandra needs a new man to warm her bed. A real man, not like you I mean, you know... Not one that likes to take it up his ass..." he said and grinned maliciously.

Angel stood up from his chair livid with anger. His eyes started shining brightly while he streched his hand out to Rodrigo.

"Que ... estas haciendo...cabron?/ What are you doing, asshole?" said Rodrigo breathing heavily, suddenly drenched in sweat and with tears running down his cheeks.

Angel frowned once more and his pants became wet with urin.

"Nunca. Nunca me vuelvas a faltar el respeto, los oyes? O eliminaré todo el agua de tu cuerpo como lo estoy haciendo ahora, hasta que te mueres como el pero que erres.
Never. I mean never, disrespect me again, do you hear me? Or I will eliminate all the water from your body, as I am doing right now untill you die like the dog that you are..." said Angel not recognizing himself.

He breath out and let the grip on Rodrigo loose.

"You will no longer be Beta. Pablo, you are up to take his place, the ceremony is tonight. Now out of my sight, all of you and carry him out too."

After they all exited mute with respect, muttering that Amaru had not been able to conjure magic like that, Angel sunk down on the sofa and cried for an hour.

After his tears dried he went to search for Alejandra.

She was down in the garden of their estate tending to the horses.

"Vaya hermanito, me contaron que pasó/ Little brother, they told me what happened. I didn't think you have it in you, eh."

"Yo tampoco.../ Me neither..."

Alejandra smiled at him and stroked his hair.

"Hermanito, necesitar una Luna... ya lo sabes./ Little brother you need a Luna, you know that..."

"Lo se, pero no quiero./ I know but I don't want to."

"Eso ya lo sé. But life isn't always about what we want. I know you miss him, but Michael moved on and is doing his duty and so should you."

"Don't remind me, I fucking know," said Angel and walked away, in an even worse mood.

It was hell of a day that didn't seem to have an end. In the evening Pablo came by as requested and he marked his body with the Beta signs while he pledged to be his sword and his right hand.

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