The End of The Game

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I don't think I'll be getting around to finishing the story, but I do have the finale written which you all deserve to read. What would have happened.

Philza  would have died protecting Tubbo & Tommy from Zia. Punz would have died destroying the crystal.

Karl would have been the only one in his group to survive.

Silva would have lost a life to destroy the crystal.

All of them failed.

The survivors return to the dream smp to face Zia, hoping that slaying her would stop anything. But the dragon had already been summoned and many lives were lost in the destruction. Dream confronts Zia, eventually reminding her who she really was, not before Zia had death the killing blow to dream.

Here we go, the finale. 


"what have I done?" Zia's voice shook as she stared at the blood on her hands. She looked at the scene around her. They were dead, everyone she had ever known was dead.

"Dream," she gasped as she dropped to her knees and pulled his head into her lap.

The blood wouldn't stop, even as Dream's shaky hand came up to cup Zia's cheek. "There you are," he rasps as he rubbed circles on her cheek using his thumb.

With a sob she pressed her hand on top of his, "sorry it took me so long to wake up," she said shakily. Dream exhaled and Zia screamed, it was bone chilling heart breaking, especially because she knew she had done this. "Dream?"

She sobbed, "please don't leave me," she begged as she laid her head on his blood chest wishing that she could hear a steady heartbeat.

Dreams limp hand fell from her cheek, Zia kissed the back of his hand as she laid him gently to rest, she stared up at the ash filled sky.

She wondered if the ache in her chest, the invisible, unbearable pain was what Dream felt when she died. She breathed heavily, glaring at the dragon as she growled, she picked up her sword.

The dragon roared above them and breathed fire on the smp. It was her fault it was all her fault. She ran across the burnt and broken ground but froze when she saw a familiar red cloak sprawled across the ground.

A tear slipped from her eyes as she fell to her knees again, Technoblade was dead, stabbed with what was most likely her blade as he shielded Silva who was still in his protective embrace.

Zia wiped the tears from her eyes as she stared at what Technoblade's still hand was reaching out to in his final moments. A totem of undying.

Time cannot go backward, time cannot mend.

But time can be travelled through, she can change fate.

She had to find Karl, he would be the only one able to stop this. She grabbed the totem and ran, she looked through all the rubble, dodged the dragon fire until her eyes fell on a familiar colored hoodie burried in the rubble next to two burnt corpse's.

She pulled Karl up and pressed the totem in his hand, it broke almost instantly and Karl gasped for breath. "Zia?" he called out weakly as Zia helped him stand and pull him into the remains of the dream smp castle.

"Karl, you've got to get to the in-between, you have to travel to the past and kill me, stop this from ever happening," she pleaded as she helped him stand and whispered something in his ear.

"But when?" he asked, "what if erasing you from the plot leads to something worse."

She gave him a small smile. "Even if I'm not there Wilbur will still form L'Manburg, Tommy will still give his disks for their freedom, Schlatt will still win the election, Pogtopia will still win the war, Tubbo will become President, Techno and Silva will still meet, Tommy will still be banished. I contributed nothing except ruin and destruction, the only thing that will change is this moment"

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum