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"Oh Zia!" She heard Dream call out, she chuckled. She was hidden in a tree as George, Sapnap, Dream walked right below her. They were playing their favorite game. Manhunt, it was Zia's turn and to win she either had to 'kill' the hunters or capture the flag. 

They all had blunt, wooden weapons, their arrows were blunt but the rules were that if you're in a position where you would have died you're dead. "Dream I think we should have stayed with the flag," George said.

"Yeah, she could have doubled back," Sapnap added.

Dream chuckled as he loaded a bow with an arrow. He turned and shot upwards, the arrow brushed by Zia's head. Damn. He found her. Zia jumped from another branch, "There she is!" yelled Dream  as they chased after her. 

Zia knew they were catching up so she notched an arrow to her bow. As both her feet landed on the next branch she leaped on, she flipped backwards and in mid jump, she shot George, "Shit!" he cried as Zia landed behind Sapnap and Dream. 

They chased after her, arrows whizzed past her ears and she grinned. She switched for her sword and turned and ran towards them. She slid on the ground past Sapnap and swept out his legs. Zia tapped his chest with her sword but quickly brought it back up to block Dream's axe. 

Zia grinned as she blocked his attack and dodged his slashes, after her last dodge she leaned over her knees and began coughing violently. "Oh shoot Zia!" Dream cried as he raced to her side, dropping his axe and patted her back. Once Zia stopped coughing Dream handed her some water, it broke his heart, she was slowly dying, she was getting stronger as she was getting used to her body's capabilities. 

Zia then tapped Dream's chest with her sword, "I win," she smiled and Dream shook his head. 

"No fair Zia, if I were an actual enemy I'd have killed you when you began coughing," he grinned and Zia raised and eyebrow at him. "Yeah, I wouldn't have." 

Zia then took a potion of healing from her pocket and took a mouthful. It was night, the best time for their game and judging by the height of the moon it was getting late. "It's getting late, I'm gonna head home," George yawned.

"Night guys," Sapnap said as he and George walked away leaving Zia and Dream alone.

"They're gone," Dream smiled as he removed his mask, Zia cupped his face and Dream leaned into it. 

"Yes, they are," Zia said as Dream lead her to a clearing where the river ran and the moon shone down on them. The mobs stayed away and Zia leaned into Dream's side. Dream slung an arm around Zia. 

"Are you sure you're okay? I don't want you pushing yourself," Dream said and Zia nuzzled herself in his side. 

"It's just Sapnap, George and you, I'd hardly call that a fight, besides, I'm not going anywhere," Zia smiled.

"I'm glad for that," Dream smiled as he kissed her forehead. 

Zia then told Dream, the story of the mad king and the farmer, Dream listened on intently until Zia stopped, "so that's why you wanted as little bloodshed as possible." 

"Yeah, and Dream, I still have enemies out there, enough for an army and they very much want the 'silver eyed bitch slash king slayer dead," she said as she looked to the ground. 

"They won't touch you, I'll cleave through them all before they touch you," Dream said firmly.

"Not alone, though, I'll be right by your side, I always will and... even if I die, I'll still be by your side," Zia said and Dream held her tighter.

"I won't let you die, not yet." Dream then helped her up as they walked through the forest hand and hand, he had put is mask on as they got closer to tbe smp. They were enjoying the quiet night until they ran into a blonde hair man-child neither of them liked. 

"Tommy," Zia greeted boredly as she held Dream's hand to stop him cleaving the boy's head off. 

"Dream, I want to make a deal with you." Tommy began and Dream watched on. "I'll do this for L'Manburg," Tommy stared down at the forest floor. "I'll give you both the discs, if you have our independence.

Zia knew Dream was just as shocked as she was, she heard the stories, these disks were the center of all their problems. "Wait... Cat and Mellohi?" Dream asked. 

Tommy nodded as he bit his lip. 

Dream looked to Zia who gave him a nod, he considered it for a moment. Items that Tommy valued above all else, in exchange for L'Manburg. If they ever did rise up again, he'd be able to take them down and he finally had control over Tommy. "That's very selfless of you, after all, those are your discs."

Tommy felt a little flustered to be complimented by the leader of the smp, his opposition but he nodded his head, "For L'Manburg, you know. For Wilbur. For Tubbo." He shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

"I will grant you independence," Dream began. "We won't fight you. Unless we have a good reason to. We will not go onto your grounds, unless we have a reason to, again." 

Tommy handed the disks to Dream and was about to walk off. 

"You're welcome back at L'Manburg and we decided that if you want to visit or stay, it'll be okay," Tommy said rubbing the back of his neck, he couldn't tell if she was mad or not because her gaze was neutral, she gave him a small smile and shook her head. 

"No thank you, Dream smp and L'Manburg will just be complicated if I get to cross boundaries. But we will have problems if Tubbo gets hurt, he and I will meet outside the gates" she said firmly as she lead Dream away, back to the smp and Tommy turned away from them to head back to L'Manburg

"You know you just missed you chance to visit your brother easily," Dream said slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"Tubbo is getting older, I can't be around to protect him forever he has to learn to defend himself," Zia said as she smiled at Dream. "Besides, how can I be Queen of the smp if I'm in L'Manburg, I have no power there." 

"At the moment Eret is king but you never believed that for one second did you?" Dream said smirking at Zia, all Eret had to keep him from being dethroned was respect but that can't protect him from a knife in the back.

"There's only one king in the smp and he wears a green hoodie and a creepie mask."

 "And there's only one Queen, she has silver eyes and can cut down armies."

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now