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L'Manburg and Zia stood on the wall as Dream, Sapnap and George stood at the gates. "I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS, WHITE FLAGS, OUTSIDE YOUR BASE TOMORROW OR YOU ARE DEAD!"

Zia frowned as she readied an arrow, she was ready for this and grinned. "WE WILL BURN EVERYTHING WITH IN YOUR WALLS WE WILL KILL EVERYONE!" Dream yelled.

"Good luck with that, I don't die easily," Zia said as she looked to the grinning L'Manburgians at her side, they didn't even have their weaposn raised, did theu expect that she'd jump down there and do the dirty work for them. Zia frowned

Dream could see Zia's bow raised but she didn't fire, she lowered her bow. She turned to L'Manburg.

"I've had enough, you guys, plan what you want, I'm tired." She sighed as she turned away from the wall and walked away.

She was tired, not physically but mentally, violence and war had followed her wherever she went and the only place it wouldn't be able to find her is if she died.

Tubbo ran over with a flask of water, he smiled, if his sister needed to rest he wanted to help and so he poured the blue vial into her water flask.

Zia was usually careful with her water, after she took the first gulp she swirled it in her mouth searching for any distinct taste of poison. The water was a bit musky but it was fine so she swallowed. "Go to your friends Tubbo, they need your help to prepare."

Zia's chest then felt tight, like something had punched her, she coughed and found blood in her hand. She shook her head and went to sleep.


Zia woke up to screams, her back felt sore because she forgot to take her armor and sword off.

Dream and his team, along with Punz were in the gates. Zia ran in, to save Tubbo from Dream.

Dream surveyed her face, her eyes were dark and baggy. Had she been not feeling well. She still managed to psuh him off.

"Dream! We'll meet you at the embassy!" Wilbur yelled.

Dream yelled something out to the others and he ran off.

Zia coughed violently again, "so it wasn't my mind playing tricks." She wiped away the blood and helped Tubbo up.

"What was in my water?" She asked him and Tubbo rubbed the back of his neck and handed her the vial.

"I got it from a trader he said it would help you to sleep," he thought Zia would be mad but she smiled at him.

There were a few drops at the bottom and Zia smelt the vial. It was sleep walkers poison and itvwas tasteless in water, it would help her sleep, permanently but she wouldn't let Tubbo know that. She ruffled his head and motioned for Tommy and Wilbur to come.

"What's up Zia?" Tommy yelled. She coughed violently again but gave them again.

"Don't blame Tubbo he was just trying to help," she coughed again, shit. She thought, she could slowly feel her strength fading, like she needed to sleep.

"What's wrong?" Wilbur asked.

"Tubbo bought a liquid from a trader to help me sleep, Tubbo just didn't know it would be a permanent sleep, " Zia chuckled a little, "I wonder who came up with this ploy?" She wondered out loud.

"If you want to attack the smp, it'd better be now whilst I'm still standing." She loomed firmly at Wilbur, it was his decision.

"L'Manburg!" He yelled and the others gathered around. "We have been threatened and almost killed because of a tyrant that wishes to supress us!" They alm cheered with Wilbur.

"Today we attack the smp, not for ourselves but for our freedom!" Wilbur yelled raising his sword to the sky. They all followed Wilbur to the embassy.

Arrows began raining on them, "Take cover!" Wilbur yelled as the dove for the door way, Zia drew her bow and notched and arrow. As did Tommy.

"Tommy, stay on your toes and keep moving," Zia said as she rolled out and as aoon as she was on her feet she fired. She heard a yelp from George so she knew she hit.

She rolled to the right and repeated the action, she did this several times. Her chest then tightened and shs began to cough. She leaned over, it was hard to breath but whilst she was distracted, three arrows punctured her back. Tommy grabbed her arm and dragged her for cover. "I'm fine," she wheezed as she coughed up more blood.

"They're retreating," Tommy called out as they watched the four leap from the tower.

What was Dream up to? Zia wondered. Zia could barely hear Tommy yell to run to Ponk's tower. They scaled it and began shooting at Dream and team below. It was all a haze, she could barely think she needed to rest.

Zia ears then picked up a hissong sound and with a rush of heat the tower exploded, "RUN!" Zia cried as the leaped from the tower.

Zia stopped, resting her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "Go I'll be fine," she said as they ran on ahead after Dream.

Zia couldn't hold back her desire to sleep. She collapsed.


"What do we do now Wilbur?" Tubbo asked. Zia was taking a break and she definitely wasn't 100%.

"This way I've been collecting stuff for weeks," Eret said, they cheered and followed him.

Eret lead them down a hole where chests lined the wall. "There's nothing in here," Tubbo said as they looked through the chests.

"What's this button do?" Tommy asked and the walls opened to reveal, Dream, Punz, Sapnap and George.

"A traitor!" Tommy yelled.

"Down with the revolution boys it was never meant to be," Eret grinned as he walked to Dream's side.

"It was so easy, all you had to do was surrender and you'd all live," Dream said in evil delight as he observed his shocked and beaten enemy. Eret had gotten rid of Zia which meant she was safe.

Dream jumped backwards as an arrow hit his shoulder. "I'm not letting you touch my brother, not without a fight," Zia snarled.

She leaned against the wall breathing heavily, coughing every few seconds, "run."

"Not without you," Tubbo cried.

"Just run, form up at the embassy," she snapped as she drew her sword. Her grip was shaky but she held it up and followed them out. So did Dream.

"I'm warning you, one more step and I'll- Zia coughed violently and fell to ground.

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now