Fifty - Three

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"Technoblade" Silva didn't know what to say, she needed to see Zia's grave for herself, if she didn't it felt like she would wander the Earth forever looking for a dead friend. 

"What's up?" Techno said, Silva had been around for two days and after she had explained that she was chased out by L'Manburg, he had no complaints in letting her stay in his home. He was currently reading on the couch as the silver hair girl stared at the door. 

"I must see her grave, I can't believe that she's dead if I don't. That bitch was impossible to kill," Silva said as she hugged herself. 

"Once the storm passed then I'll take you to her grave," he said as he continued reading his book by the fire. 

Techno sat on the couch, Silva leaned on the wall opposite from him. Currently a raging storm was locking them inside so there wasn't much else to do. At least the silence was comfortable.

"So..." Techno said putting his book down. "What's your story?" He asked Silva. Unlike when Silva had first shown up on his door step. Her cloak, corset and arm guard her gone. Her hair was out, fully displaying the full depth of her long hair. The black coal that was used as a mask was washed away and Techno couldn't help but stare at the freckles.

"You really want to know?" Silva asked him, closing her book. Techno was her host so she guess that he had a right to know.

Technoblade nodded, he was curious about the story of the girl that was friends with the mighty King Slayer.

"There's not much to it. I've been alone all my life, my parents were killed by mobs and since then I've been alone." She said simply.

"That doesn't sound like the whole story," Technoblade raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well, all the friends have ever had thought that the bounty on my head was better than friendship so I killed them before they could kill me. Then I met Zia, she didn't want me dead, I couldn't kill her and that sums up my life story," Silva sighed as Techno patted the empty spot next to him.

"It's comfy down here," Silva whined but the fire went out and the cold crept in. Technoblade grinned as he laid his fluffy cloak over his lap. Silva frowned as she noticed there was no firewood left. She got up and moved to the couch where Techno spread some of the cloak over her legs. 

"I basically went around killing some kings and governments, built this," Techno said, gesturing to his cottage, "then my brothers sent me a message about needing help blow up a country. My family and supposed friends stabbed me in the back and my best friend is dead," Techno summed up monotonously. 

"That we have in common," Silva chuckled, "except that I've never had a home, I've just been wandering around," she sighed.

"Then stay here," Technoblade said, he immediately looked away as he felt his cheeks heat up, he had only known her for a few days. "We can be each others friends since we're so tired of everyone else back stabbing us."

"You know what that actually sounds like a good idea," Silva smiled as she leaned on Technoblade's shoulder. 

Technoblade almost forgot how to breathe but then relaxed and rested his head on top of hers as they enjoyed the comfortable silence of their "friendship". 


"What ya got there Quackity?" Fundy asked. After he was shot by Silva Fundy had been going to Quackity's house to check that he was ok and today he had found him at his desk scribbling at paper. 

"A few days ago a girl showed up," Quackity said hastily as he sent the letter with a raven and began writing another one.

"So... is she an old love affair or something," Fundy said, crossing his arms. 

"Worse than that, Schlatt and I ran a town before Manburg, it was unjustly run for the poor but the rich lived like kings," Quackity grinned as he sent another raven away. 

"And... I don't see the point here," Fundy complained. 

"Whilst the King Slayer did away with out armies, her friend the Grey Ghost slaughtered the rich of the town, we barely escaped with our lives and like just said, she's a ghost. We won't know when she comes to kill us," Quackity said. 

"Ok on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being I don't know the killer bunny and 10 being a Technoblade and Zia rampage, where does this Grey Ghost sit," Fundy asked rolling his eyes. 

"No one knows what her close combat skills like but assasin wise, she's an 11" Quackity said. 

"Then just add her to the butcher army list and be done with it!"

"We can get rich for this Fundy, I'm sending a letter to a variety of kingdoms asking how much they'll pay for the Grey Ghost's head and if they'll send anyone for a little ghost hunt." Quackity grinned wickedly. 

Fundy chuckled evilly, "now I'm starting to like this plan, what's the top offer?" Fundy asked.

"So far... 10,000 diamonds."


"Hello," a voice called out, the stars shone overhead and she didn't know who she was nor did she know where she was.

She heard a strange sound, it sounded like a bleat and when she followed it she found a fluffy blue creature munching on some grass. "Hello, who are you?" she asked. They girl was as pale as fog as he blue hair shone in the moonlight like frost on a winters morning. Her eyes were like marble pillars and shone like silver aluminum. 

"Friend!" she then heard a voice call out and out from the bushes came another ghost. He wore a trench coat, a turtle neck coat and a beanie, "Hello, I'm ghostbur," the ghost smiled holding out a hand for his fellow ghost to shake. 

"Hello ghostbur, I don't know who I am," the girl said as she looked around the field of flowers. In the center there was a tomb. There was something engraved of the walls, 'may the King slayer finally rest' it said and below it was a name. Zia. 

"Maybe this means something the ghost said," as she stared at the moss eaten stone. 

"I found my name because I showed up where I was burried, this could be you," Ghostbur said, "but come with me, I'm sure there's someone in L'Manburg that knows who you are." 

As they floated on a path they spotted a boy with blonde hair in a tee-shirt with red sleeves. "Hey Tommy do you know this ghost?" Ghostbur called out. 

The boy looked at the ghosts and froze. "N-no. She can't be back. You're dead! You're dead! You're dead! I killed you! You can't come back!" the boy screamed madly and ran away as Zia stared at a country built on a crater. 

"I have a feeling that Zia was not a good person. My ghost will remind them of fear and my shadow will remind them of ruin even though I cannot remember what I did."


Just to let everyone know

I have never written a romance before

Is this going well?


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