Forty - Four

255 19 3

When Dream left Zia had watched a movie and decided to go to bed, she assumed that Dream would deal with the remainder of Schlatt's army and sneak into bed later when he came back. 

Zia began to wake up, she patted the empty space beside her, she assumed Dream would be there. She sat up and looked around, there was no sign that he came back last night. His space was cold indicating that he was gone or never came back. 

Zia immediately knew something was wrong.

Tommy was no mastermind. Zia didn't trust him and so Tommy was easy to read, he had lured Dream away so she would have one less defense. She looked to her blades that hung on the wall and her armor on the stand. She removed them and placed them on her body, braiding her hair and then began to pour a healing potion into her flask.

There was a knock on her door. 

Zia hoped it was Dream as she took a swig of healing potion and rushed to answer it. Her heart was in her throat, she hoped it was him because she had a theory. A theory that involved Tommy working with Schlatt's army to kill her.

Zia opened the door, it was Nikki, Fundy, George and Sapnap. They all began to talk rapidly. "S-slow down, what's wrong?" she asked them, the L'Manburgians didn't forgive her but they gave her peace and left her be. George and Sapnap were her best friend so they weren't a surprise but a visit from Nikki and Fundy was definitely a surprise. 

"Have you seen Tubbo?" Nikki asked and Zia shook her head. 

"Not for awhile," she replied as she looked to Sapnap and George.

"Dream, Sapnap and I had something planned today and Dream never showed," George explained as Zia ran a hand through her hair. 

"Dream left last night with Tommy because there was a security breach, he hasn't come back," Zia said, but why would Tubbo be missing? 

"Nikki, Fundy, get a search party going, make sure everyone is armed, look for Tubbo. Sapnap, George, come with me," Zia said as Nikki and Fundy ran off and Zia pulled her friends inside. 

"This isn't an accident, Tubbo and Dream are both valued to me, someone is targeting me," Zia explained as the three sat at the kitchen table. Zia looked her friends in the eye, "If we want them back..." her breath shuddered, "there's a high chance that my life will be the price," Zia said. 

Sapnap and George's faces went pale, "N-no, we won't let that happen," George said. 

"We only just got peace, the four of us can finally hang out, like the good old days, it can't end this way," Sapnap said. 

"We can try looking for them but after dark will be when I take over," Zia said firmly. She stood up as did her friend as they hugged each other, most likely their last group hug minus Dream. "Promise me you'll look after Dream, please," Zia practically begged as Sapnap patted her back. 

"We'll do our best."

"Goodbye my friends."


Dusk was upon them, Zia released a shaky breath, the next 1000-10000 breaths could be her last. She held her fingers on the pulse on her neck, this could be the last time it would beat. 

Unless her forth life was fact. 

She stood up and left the house. Memories of her home flooded back, her first kiss, her first friends, her first home, was all in this place and she may not see it again. A single tear slid down her face as she wrote a letter, her first and final letter to Dream, just in case she didn't come back. She took off her precious green bandanna around her neck and left it with the letter. 

She knew that most of Dream's sanity was kept in check because of her and hopefully the letter and the scarf would give him a final thread to cling on to, her memory would be his only haven.

She closed the door, she walked to the stable and gave her horse a goodbye, in case it was final. 

She walked to the forest, she saw a torch light at the edge and she knew exactly who it was. Tommy.

"Hello Tommy," she greeted as she took another mouthful of potion, "I'd say I'd be surprised but honestly I was expecting this." She said. Tommy said nothing as she followed him into the forest. 

"You're no killer Tommy, you don't have it in you," Tommy stopped and Zia was about to keep walking. 

"My death will bring about a hell for you, mark my words Tommy, you will suffer and imagine what your best friend will think when he finds out that you conspired to kill his sister," she said. 

Tommy caught a glance of her silver eyes one last time, the gaze of a predator, the gaze of a predator that has nothing left to lose. He turned and walked away, he didn't know why he was feeling guilty but he forced himself to keep on walking


Zia thought of every smile she had every seen, Tubbo, Sapnap, George and Dream. She remembered her own smile, the joy from the moments of manhunt. The moments she had bested her friend in contact. She thought of the precious friendships and love she had so it would be there when she took her final breath. 

There was a clearing. She was soon surrounded the the last of Schlatt's army. She didn't care how many there were, she'd killed them all. "Welcome Kingslayer," said the leader said.

Three large mercenaries stood behind, Dream, Technoblade and Tubbo, respectively holding a blade at their throats. Tubbo was starting to wake up.

"If you think I'm willing going to lay my head on the chopping block, you're mistaken," Zia snarled as she watched as they closed in on her. 

"Fair enough but we're confident we're going to kill you, and if you don't fight us, we'll just kill your friends," the mercenary grinned and Zia glared as death like stare as she drank more of her potion. 

She didn't want freedom. She already had power but she was still caught in the game. She was brought into the game because of 1 thing. 


She was playing the game for love, she loved her brother and she loved Dream, she continued the game for them and for them she would end the game for herself. If she didn't have a a forth life, she'd finally get the rest she wanted. 

She blinked, it felt like it was an eternity, if she was going  to die, she'd make sure the history book would remember her as the King Slayer, the ruination that she had caused and the kingdoms she had brought to their knees.

She didn't want to die like a hopeless, pitiful, girl. 

She would die a King Slayer. 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now