Twenty - One

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"Why are you taking an interest in this election?" Dream asked as he sat with Zia, eating breakfast at the kitchen table, the election was soon and Tubbo asked if she would watch it with him

She was going to go anyway and watch from the shadows but her brother asked so she had no choice. "Dream, you don't know that goat like I do, this will end in bloodshed and Tubbo will be in the middle of it."

"Zia, Schlatt is doing this for the smp, if he wins he said he'd give me control," Dream said, Zia frowned at him.

"And you believe him?!" she scoffed as she stood, "thankyou for telling me, is there anything else you're hiding," she demanded.

"I don't want you to go!" Dream pleaded and Zia glared.

"I can protect myself," she coughed a bit but took a sip of healing potion to cure herself, "I will be fine," she said as she stood up and left, leaving Dream sitting there. If Zia was captured by Schlatt not only would Schlatt lose a few men but he'd have a leverage over Dream. He couldn't let that happen, he sighed as he grabbed a bow and soon followed her.


Zia stood next to Tubbo in the crowd and Dream watched from the top of the wall. They let her have her weapons, which was good, she'd be able to defend herself because the place was crawling with pillagers and mercenaries. 

Zia watched over Tubbo as he went and voted, they then waited a few hours for the votes to come in and the winner announcements, the entire time, Schlatt and Zia glared at each other, Tubbo paced nervously. 

Everyone watched on as Wilbur stood at the podium. "The election was to vote for the next president of the great nation of L'Manburg. We had four parties running, POG 2020, SWAG 2020, COCONUT 2020 and SCHLATT 2020."

The crowd applauded politely.

"I will now process to read out the election results, in 4th place with 9% of the votes, the coconut party. In third place holding 16% of the vote, Schlatt 2020." Tubbo breathed a sigh of relief but Zia knew Schlatt would have a trick up his sleeve. 

"Coming in second place with 30% of the vote, SWAG 2020, lead by Quackity." Tommy's mouth dropped open and Tubbo's grinned from ear to ear, making Zia smile a little. 

"And that leaves the winner with 45% of the popular vote POG 2020" The crowd cheered, Zia glared at Schlatt, Wilbur didn't sound so happy and he held his hand up for the crowd to be silent, they obliged.

"Two nights ago on the day of the rally, party leaders of SWAG 2020 and Schlatt 2020 made a deal stating that the parties  would pool their votes," murmurs broke out and the crowd stirred, agitated.

"POG again received 45% of the popular vote but the coalition government of SWAG 2020 received 46% percent of the vote."

Gasps echoed around. Zia grinned, it was just another corrupt hell hole that she would get to liberate, it's be like her old adventure days and she thought back to when she assonated the king on Wrathdom. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, on this day, Schlatt 2020 has been inaugurated."

Zia turned to Tubbo and placed a hand on his shoulder, "No matter what happens, no matter what I do, Tubbo, I am your sister and I will always love you," she said hastily. She knew Schlatt had three lives and she had the perfect chance to take one.

Zia could feel eyes on her so she turned around and standing on the wall was Dream. She knew his gaze would say don't do anything stupid, but she loved getting rid of corruption. 

Schlatt took Wilbur's place, "Ahem," Schlatt cleared his throats. 

"A few days ago I looked every citizen in the eye and said, 'we're gonna make some changes, let's do it."

Schlatt was clearly not drunk, his gaze rested upon the audience, unsettling them all, it then rested on Tommy and Wilbur, then finally Zia, he would make sure she died today. 

"I am haunted ladies and gentlemen, this is not my first time running a great nation." he grinned at Zia. Zia quickly pushed Tubbo away and laid a hand on a bow and arrow. "I was once the president of Glenvale, until it was taken away." On a projector photos of a town on flames with bodies in the streets and towering above the bodies was a girl with blue hair and silver eyes. 

"So my first decree as president of L'Manburg is to REVOKE, the citizenship of Tommy Innit and Wilbur soot." The two backed up, the crowd began diverging to allow for the pillagers and sell swords to surround them.

"Didn't I warn you," a voice said behind them. 

"Zia!" Wilbur cried.

She grinned at them, "you two run, I'll handle this lot."

"Then my second decree is to make Zia, a criminal of L'Manburg, you are no longer welcome," Schlatt shouted with an undertone of hysteria. 

"I'll admit, I burned the town down, after you killed  innocent people!" she snapped as she drew her bow. " But if you want to kill me Schlatt, try harder!" 

Tommy and Wilbur ran as Zia drew her bow and arrow. Like lightning she let it fly, it found it's mark, berried into Schlatt's throat. Zia grinned as she was surrounded by Pillagers and others that wanted her head. "You lost 20 and I was unarmed, how many more of you wish to die?" she snarled in a crazed manner as she returned the bow to her quiver and drew her twin swords. 

Dream's eyes widened as he watched Zia become surrounded, he watched as Tommy and Wilbur ran. Declaring Zia a criminal and putting a price on her head was crossing a line. He swore Schlatt would pay. 

Her enemies lunged and with a spin with her drawn blades, heads fell from bodies. She flipped backwards, cleaving her swords through any flesh she could find. Zia notice that men that tried to attack her from behind were met with an arrow to the face. She knew Dream had her back. 

Tubbo watched on in horror. His sister was covered in blood as she kept lashing as Schlatt's men they continued to fall under her blade until she was standing in the middle of a pile of bodies. "Who's next?" she snapped looking to Fundy and Nickie, then at Quackity. 

"KILL HER!" Schlatt roared, he lost a life but thanks to the quick actions of Quackity he was saved from losing the remaining two.

Zia grinned, "Let me warn you now! You have elected a tyrant as your leader! And I'm known for slaughtering tyrants. A lot of you are innocent but if you stand in my way, I will kill you along with this bastard, and that is a promise!" Zia roared darkly as she hurled a pearl over the wall and vanished before reinforcements could stop her.

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now