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Dream lead George and Sapnap into the forest. "Like we just saw we can't attack them head on, we have to weaken them." Dream said as he handed George and Sapnap flint and steel.

"Let's light em" Sapnap cheered in delight as he lit the woods on fire.

"Why are we doing this Dream?" George yawned, they spent most of last night putting bombs under L'Manburg.

"We're weakening them, they won't be able to sneak out and get resources as easy as before." Dream explained as he movee to burn more trees. 


Zia smelled smoke and ran for the wall, "Tubbo, Tommy, they're distracted go to your bases!" They nodded at Zia as she watched the forest burn to the ground.

She then spotted a small clearing where she saw Dream and his friends drinking water. Zia drew her bow and felt around for the first arrow in her side quiver. She angled to the sky and released and then fired two more. She then released another five, she just wanted to get rid of them, she would never kill her friends.


"Holy!" Sapnap yelled as an arrow skimmed past his face. George cried out as he was struck in the shoulder and Dream caught the one flying towards his face. Dream frowned from under the mask, there was only one person in L'Manburg that had that kind of aim.


He could see her outline ontop of the wall it looked like she was about to release a few more arrows. "Run!" Dream yelled as they ran from the burning forest and hopefully Zia's range.

They stopped at the board walk of the smp. "Damn, we can't get anything done with Zia around," Sapnap groaned , she was a challenge.

"We need to fight her on our turf and our rules," Dream said out loud to himself. Zia had an easily defensible position in L'Manburg he needed to get them to surrender befoere anymore violence.

Dream spun around as he heard a whoosh and a boom. They then saw Tommy sprint towards L'Manburg. Dream frowned. Whilst they still had the embassy and Tubbo's base they had resources. Dream then lit Tubbo's house on fire.

"Dream that's Tubbo's house!" George cried out, sure they were at war but Tubbo was friendly and didn't deserve this.

"We need to weaken them George, it's the only way we'll win." Dream said darkly as they watched Tubbo's house go up in flames.

"Tubbo is still in there!" They heard Tommy cry out and running in front of him was Zia. Her silver eyes reflected her own burning rage.

Zia ran into the fire as Dream and his team watched. Then the fire exploded amd the roof crumbled. "Zia!" Dream yelled. Looking for any signs of life, Dream breathed a sigh of relief as Zia pulled Tubbo's unconcious body from the fire. Zia had a small gash on her head and they were both covered in ashe.

Zia placed her hand on her sword. If she had to she'd fight them. She'd give Tubbo to Tommy and she'd cut them down. Burning the forest, she expected that but burning down Tubbo's house was going too far.

"My house!" Tubbo wailed in his sisters arms, she passed him off to Tommy as she faced Sapnap, George and Dream.

"I was ready for you to burn the forest down, that's why I sent Tubbo and Tommy to get their stuff. But burning Tubbo's house down is too far," she snapped.

Dream got ready to fight. It felt awkward like no one wanted to draw blades. Zia gave them a final glare as she turned and followed Tommy and Tubbo.

"That was awkward but I'm glad we didn't get into a fight," George said rubbing his shoulder which still had an arrow in it.

Dream said nothing, he walked away.


Tubbo was in the van healing as Zia sat down outside, Tommy sat next to her. "Sorry, I've been rude to you lately," Tommy apologized.

"It's alright, I figured it was just passion," Zia smiled.

"I was part of the original cause of this war you know." Tommy said and Zia look at him confused. "I annoyed everyone and Dream has been after my music discs ever since," Tommy said and Zia shook her head.

"Tommy let me tell you a story," Zia said kindly as she stared up at the smike covered sky. "If you travel a month south from the smp, then two day East, you'll find some ruins."

Tommy listened in, he was actually quiet for once and soon Eret, Fundy, Wilbur and Tubbo sat outside to listen to her story. "Picture a mighty kingdom, quartz palaces and mighty stone towers, it was the most incredible place ever seen. Their king was fair but firm until power went to his head."

"He wanted the Kindom to himself, no one else was able to have it, until a man from a simple farm stood up to him." Tommy looked down to the ground, that was what was happening to L'Manburg and the smp.

"The farmer united the people and declared a piece of land independent from the kingdom. Soon war broke out. Brother fought brother, Son fought father until both sides destroyed each other. Then what was left behind was defenceless when mobs and pillagers came."

They all sat silent for awhile, that was why Zia didn't want outsiders finding out about the war, they'd be destroyed.

"How do you know this, like you said it was a ruin," Eret questioned.

"I was there, the king told me that it was a game of tag if he was hit, he'd hit back until they were tired out. The farmer knew he would be destroyed but fought because they needed freedom but made me promise to stop the game if I saw it happening again." Zia sighed.

"I watched the sides destroy each other and years later I would be the only one who would remember what was there," Zia sighed.

"And that's whats happening here, isn't it?" Tubbo said sadly and Zia nodded.

"In my own home, I'm faced with another game for power and freedom."

"Then how do we end it?" Tommy asked and Zia smiled.

"When you realised you've been defeated. But of you really want independence, make sure it corresponds with the powerful one's terms or wants." Zia said as she stood up. They watched her climb the stairs and look out towards the horizon.

They needed to end but they weren't giving in.

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now