Thirty - Eight

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He ran towards it.

A body lay tied at the foot of a tree. He noticed her wrists were bleeding, a clear struggle against the bonds that resulted in injury. Her legs were bound and she was chained by the neck to a tree. He couldn't tell if she was breathing because of a gag.

Schlatt's army had tied her up and left her to die with no possible chance of escape, especially with the poison constantly eating any strength and energy she had. 

He kneeled beside her and pulled her head  into his lap. Her body was cold, her eyes refused to open and blood trickled out the side of her mouth and down her nose.

He couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. He quickly removed the gag from her mouth, his hands were trembling, Schlatt would pay for and he would suffer a 1000 times worse. 

Techno reached to his pockets he had to have it somewhere. He pulled a totem of un-dying from the pocket of his robe and shoved it into Zia's hand. 

He tried to remember everything Phil had told him about sleep walkers poison. If he let it take her second life then not even a healing potion would be able to save her third, she'd be a dead girl walking. 

Techno drew his sword if he took the remaining life she had left then her body would regenerate a little after the poisons effect, giving him enough time to get her back to Pogtopia where he can get an actual healing potion. 

"I'm sorry, my friend. I feel like I've betrayed you the most," he said as he plunge the blade into her heart hoping he didn't take her third or forth life. 

"C'mon Zia, wake up," the poison can't have taken her last life that fast, could it? If so would she even have a forth. With a bang the darkness was broken in strands of green and gold the totem broke. 

Techno held his breath and after a few seconds Zia's lungs drew breath and exhales, she still didn't wake up. It was as he hoped, the totem saved a life but because of the poisons hold on her body it couldn't fully regenerate her.

That was the biggest thing about sleepwalker poison. Sooner or later it would devour the body no matter how much potion or totems you had, you'd soon be devoured by an endless sleep and if Technoblade was a second later, she would have lost to the poison. 

An enemy that she can't beat in a physical battle.

Technoblade wrapped her soaked body in his robe. Was she always this fragile? 

He noticed that she was weaker than their previous encounters, he just didn't notice that in the months they had reunited she had been getting weaker, the healing potion only boosted her. 

He stood up and ran through the forest. He soon heard voices of the other people looking for her. "Why would I get rid of Zia?!" he heard Dream's voice shout.

"I don't, probably because you don't want to lose the war!" Tommy's clear voice shouted back. Techno approached the group. Sapnap and George were looking in bushes not too far away as was Tubbo and Wilbur whilst Tommy and Dream were at each others throats. 

"I found her," Techno yelled and it instantly got the Dream Team and Tubbo's attention, Dream was the first one there. No one could tell what the masked man was thinking under his disguise but Techno noticed the way Dream's clenched hands began to shake. 

"Is she?" Tommy asked, barely finishing the sentence.

"No she's not dead but she will be if we don't get her back to Pogtopia," Technoblade said as Dream whistled. Misty raced through the trees, Techno didn't even want to know why Zia's horse came to Dream, he just passed Zia to Dream who mounted Misty and galloped for Pogtopia. 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora