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Zia moved like a ghost through the forest, she had to go the longer way around to the smp to avoid Manburg. She heard hushed whispers and pressed herself against a tree. "I know Schlatt wanted us to patrol to see if Wilbur and Tommy were still around but what if we run into her?" Punz said quietly as they walked past Zia's tree.

"It's two against one we can easily take her," Fundy said confidently.

"Schlatt had twenty people try and kill her, you saw how she cut them down," Punz whimpered as he heard a twig snap and yelped.

Zia took a deep breath and stepped away from the tree and released an arrow. It was perfectly timed so it would catch Fundy's shirt and stick into the tree. Punz dove for the ground as Fundy was pinned to the tree by a few more arrows. "W-who's  there?" the fox demanded trying to sound brave. Punz and Fundy almost screamed, it was like they were looking upon a demon, for silver eyes glowed under the shadow of an oak tree. 

"Zia," Punz squeaked, she grinned at them and she turned away.

Wars weren't won with swords and battles alone, the battle of the mind can be just as deadly and if Fundy and Punz began spreading fear for her, then when the meet in battle, it'll be easier to defeat them. Fear is the quickest means of making an enemy surrender. 

Zia grinned as she continued on her way. She entered the smp where she saw George, she moved for her sword, "whoa. Easy Zia. Relax, I wouldn't rat you out if I wanted to," George said and Zia sighed in relief.

"How's things?" she asked. 

"You should have seen it," George said in a burst of laughter, "when Schlatt saw you got away he was in a fit of hysteria, he was so mad," he chuckled and Zia smiled a little. "But you should get going, it's dangerous here, even for you." 

Zia nodded at him as she moved passed him in a hurry. Her shared house with Dream was up ahead and a stable out front. Misty nickered as Zia approached her. "You ready for one last fight girl," the horse nickered like it was a cheer and Zia chuckled a little. "This time I promise that you'll be saddled with the finest diamond armor ever and we'll charge in together, just like the old times." she said running her hands through her horse's black mane. 

Zia grabbed her saddle bag and placed medical supplies and bread inside as well as a few more potions of healing. It looked like she was getting low, she frowned, each month she usually made 10 to help with the poison. She only had 2 left and the month wasn't even half way over.

She hugged her horse, it was as if in that second all her emotions wanted to erupt, she didn't want to die. She wanted to stay with Dream, Tubbo and everyone and the stupid poison was taking that away, she had only just come home. For years she had seen nothing but violence, she did nothing but kill, she just wanted peace.

Maybe the only way to get said peace was to die. 

"Zia, what are you doing here?" A voice called out behind her. Zia rubbed her eyes and with a sniffle turned and smiled at Dream, it was a weak, forced one but she hoped Dream wouldn't see through her. 

"I was just getting Misty and going hunting for dinner," she said as she finished saddling her horse.

"Zia, something is up, you're not usually like this," Dream said grabbing her wrist and forcing her to face him. Zia couldn't lie to him, there was just something she could always trust about him, no matter what happened, Dream was always the person she could trust the most with anything.

"Dream, I've used 8 of the bottles and the month isn't over, I think my body is becoming more immune to the potion" she said sadly and a single tear slid down her face, she was dying and she couldn't stop it, there was nothing, no one she could cut down to save herself. 

"You don't have to fight Zia, you can run, or you can stay here, I won't let anyone touch you. It's got to be all this fight that's... speeding the poison up," Dream said in a whisper so only Zia could hear. 

"Dream, I don't think that's possible," Zia said in a light chuckle, "I don't want to lose my last lives being pitied, I want to go out in a blaze of glory."

Before Zia could turn away, Dream's strong arms pulled her into his chest in a hug, Zia hugged back. It was funny, first she'd leave, then she'd come back, then she'd leave only to come back to his arms. "Please Zia, I have nothing but you and power, I need both to stay sane." He whispered into her ears.

"Yes you have me, yes you have power but you have so much more Dream. You have friends, a home. I know you love being powerful, I know you need me to keep you from going insane but you have to wake up. I'm not going to be here forever." She knew it was going to happen, sooner or later she would die and Dream would probably crumble with her.

Zia took a step back to stare into that porcelain mask of his with a smile, "Zia, let Wilbur and Tommy know I'm on their side, whatever they need, armor, food, it's there's. I will do anything to help you." 

Zia smiled as she hopped on her horse. "Well then, at least I don't have to worry about fighting you," she said with a grin as she took off in a gallop back to Pogtopia. Wilbur and Tommy would start wondering where she went, then they'd go looking for her and get killed by one of Schlatt's patrols. 

Zia lead Misty down the ravine, she could hear talking, Wilbur, Tommy and a very familiar voice. She held one of the hilts of her swords as she peered around the corner. A man, taller than her with a red robe was talking with them, he noticed the pink hair and crown on his forehead.

"What the fuck? Misty, the bloody, blood god is here," she said to herself as she drew her sword. Misty nickered a warning but Zia brushed her horse off. It had been awhile, probably the battle of the Grey Moors where they slaughtered an entire army that wanted to kill them but what was he here to do.

Zia took a deep breath as she lunged into the room, "Anar-Bitch!"

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now