Forty - Six

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My Dear Dream,
The time we had together after my return was regretfully short but you and I have a history that death can't erase.

A Memory that was born on a snowy night

Winter's bite was harsh, it was the worse they had ever faced, usually the days would turn cold but on that particular year the whole smp was covered in snow. Dream looked around, beside him sat Sapnap and George, warming themselves by the fire. 

They heard the clattering of bones and the groans of Zombies outside. "Run! Get out of here!" Dream's head perked up as he stared outside of the first house on his land. 

"There's someone out there," Dream said, Sapnap and George looked at each other, they were concerned for their reckless friend. 

"Dream you're not thinking of going out there, are you?" George asked as Dream stared towards the door. His mask laid beside him with a diamond axe and shield. 

"No! I'm not leaving you!" Another voice yelled, it sounded like a child, the previous voice sounded female. Dream grabbed his mask and fastened it to his face, he then grabbed his axe and shield. 

"I'm not going to let someone die on my turf, stay here," he said as he stepped outside to be met with the howling winds of the cold night. He could see a light coming from the trees. He ran towards it, his hoodie and his adrenaline were the only forms of heat he had. 

As he got closer he watched as a larger figure stood protectively in front of the younger. The person wielded two diamond swords and was battling an army of mobs.

He was frozen he didn't know why he wouldn't move. There was something about her glowing silver eyes and blue hair that put him in a trance.

He shook his head and raced in, the girl didn't complain instead she fought the mobs beside him, it was as if they had been fighting against unbeatable odds since forever and soon the last one fell.

The girl with silver eyes turned to Dream and gave him a tired, thankful smile. Then the color left her face, he watched as her legs buckled and she fell.

As quick as lightning Dream ran to catch her so she wouldn't hit the ground. He quickly pulled her into his arms and lifted her up. She was wounded and judging by her weight she hadn't seen a good meal for the past few days.

Dream then looked down at the boy trembling in the snow. "Come with me, I have a shelter, warm food and medical supplies." The young boy with messy brown hair followed close behind him, holding onto his jumper so he wouldn't fall behind.

It soon turned into a bond that time, distance and maybe even death cannot break

Dream held onto her warm hand as he lead her into the forest. His land and his people were growing everyday and he had been neglecting his friends, including Zia.

"Where are we going Dream?" Zia asked with a slight laugh in her voice.

"You'll see," he smiled. There was never need for a mask when he was with her. It was as if her gaze could pierce through his disguise and see every flaw and strength.

Every day his mind drifted to her and the small things she did. From small grins, to a beaming smile and a thundering laugh. Whenever he spoke with her his eyes would discretely stare at her lips or eyes, silver eyes that were ever so striking.

A feeling had been growing and today he finally had to confess or he would go mad.

At the edge of the forest was a field of flowers, the final rays of light made each petal glow with a golden hue. Zia smiled at him, "it's beautiful," Zia said in amazement as she turned to Dream.

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now