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Their hearts were in their throats, pounding in their heads as the watched Tommy and Dream pace.


Tommy's finger's drew back the bow string, an arrow loaded. The cold wood bent beneath his strength and was aimed for the middle of Dream's eyes. Tommy released, the feathers brushed against his cheek, the cold wind tickled his ears.


It was all he desired, it was all he thought of until Dream's arrow struck next to his heart under his shoulder. 

Everyone watched on as Tommy's body leaned to the side about to fall into the water. Tubbo's eyes pleaded at Zia to help. "Tsk," Zia sighed as she was the first to move, first to jump in the water after Tommy. 

"Zia! Tommy!" Tubbo yelled as he ran to join them. Zia pulled the unconscious boy out the river, she looked over to Dream, she looked over to Tubbo and then rolled her eyes.

Dream understood, she was only helping because Tubbo had asked. Zia tore the sleeves off her tunic and fashioned a bandage around the arrow. Tubbo kneeled beside her, "It won't kill him," Zia said simply, the only way Tommy would die is if he bled out.

Zia pulled out the arrow from his heart and grabbed one of her own precious potions of healing and held it to Tommy's lips. She hated him, hated helping someone she swore to kill but if Tubbo asked her, then she could make an exception. 

"Why?" Wilbur asked as Zia motioned for Tubbo to take her place, Tubbo put pressure on the wound. 

"Tubbo," she said simply as she kneeled beside her brother and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Tears pooled in Tubbo's eyes, "The war is now over little brother, I promised Dream that I'd leave L'Manburg afterwards but know that if you ever need me I will always come." She then stood, she nodded at Wilbur as she walked off in Dream's direction.


Zia whistled and trotting over to her was Misty, she rubbed her horse's nose. "How was your break?" she asked her horse who nickered. Misty had her saddlebags. 

She lead Misty to Dream's house and left her at the front. She entered the room, Sapnap, George and Dream were waiting in the kitchen. Zia walked to her room, she grabbed her swords, armor, cloak and bow. "Where are you going?" Dream asked as she began to pin each of her things up in the kitchen wall. 

"Nowhere, my fighting days are done," Zia said as she hung all of her armor and weapons up, she stared at them. She then turned to Dream, "We're going home, bye Dream, Zia." George said between snickers as he and Sapnap left. 

Zia walked over to Dream and removed the mask from his face. She was met with familiar green eyes. She then took his hood off revealing his mop like blonde hair. "So what was it about power and me?" Zia grinned. 

"That I can't live without both, power is what's keeping me from getting a knife in my back and you're there to make sure I don't deserve it," Dream chuckled as he grabbed Zia's hand and rubbed circles on the back of it. "You're safe here, no one will touch you." 

Zia gave him a kind smile, "I know but from now on, I'd like to stay away from violence, unless Tubbo is in trouble, then that armor goes straight back on." 

Dream laughed. 

"I may not be King now Zia but you secretly know that will always be me. So will you be my secret, powerful Queen?" he asked, Zia looked to the ground.

"Dream, we don't know how long I have left, it could be days, weeks, months or years before the poison takes hold," she said sadly. Dream leaned forward and lifted her chin to face him.

"Then I will take every little second I can get," he said softly as he gently brought his lips to Zia. It was a soft kiss that was filled with love and fire. It was a kiss that signified that they were both home and nothing could tear them apart. 


Tubbo sat by Tommy's bedside. Zia was proclaimed to be a traitor of L'Manburg when his sister did nothing, she only went with Dream because it was his fault she was poisoned. But he knew Zia didn't care, it was never about L'Manburg, it was all about protecting him

He hated being weak.

He hated needing someone to come and save him because he couldn't fight back. His sister already died once because of his stupidity, he wasn't going to let it happen again. 

Tommy began to stir, Tubbo's sad face turned into a wild smile as his friend began to wake up, "Tommy! You're okay!" Tubbo said.

"What happened?" Tommy asked.

"After you were shot, you fell off the bridge, you'd be dead if Zia didn't save you," Tubbo said. Tommy widened his eyes, he knew he had pissed her off for the last time, he knew she would kill him, but save him? The girl was just as twisted as Dream. "You completely misjudged her, she didn't betray us, she only went with Dream because she was too weak to fight."

"I know Tubbo, I completely misjudged her but tomorrow I have something to do," Tommy said as he stared at the roof, there was only one way to get their independence and that was to give Dream what he wants. 


Pillagers upon Pillagers, assassins', sellswords and everything in between sat in a wooden hall. "The poison didn't kill her!"

"The silver eyed bitch lives!"

Voice of fury were mixed, all were shouting nearly the same thing. 'Kill the Kingslayer', 'Death to the Silver eyed Bitch'. 

"You're forgetting, the bitch is now home, she's not alone," a man in red and gold armor shouted, standing on the table, it was the Prince of Wrathdom. 

Someone else then stood on the table, his face was hidden by shadows but his goat like horns were very distinct. "My friends!" the voice rang out, silencing them all. "The bitch has two lives left, imagine how many of you she'd cut down before she lost one!" The silence then turned into murmurs of agreement. 

"But she is weakened, the poison is still in her system, she'll fight hard but after we take a second life then the army has no problem," he grinned in the dark and got nods of approval from around the room. 

"We know that she's capable of slaughter, she's careful but how do you think the poison was able to take her first life, huh?" he asked around the room and all he got were confused whispers.

"It's because she's weak. My friends, leave it to me and I will take her second life and you will be free! All of you! Will be able to charge in without worrying about her coming back! The bitch will die!" The man cheered and everyone in the room raised a blade and cheered with him. 

"Just leave it to me."

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now