Thirty - Seven

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She needed a way out of this problem that didn't result in her losing a very precious second life but her legs felt like jelly and her head felt like she had taken sleeping pills and she could feel blood trickle out the side of her mouth. 

She felt around in her back pockets for the single ender pearl she had, she only had one chance of escaping and if luck was on her side. Eret tugged the rope and pulled her along as she grasped the cool orb in the palm of her hand. "Hey!" one of the guards called out, she had been caught. 

She threw the pearl and teleported out of Eret's grasp. She couldn't run for Pogtopia, "I want to form a government! Governments are cool!" she yelled as loud as she could hoping the word Government would summon her anarchist friend. 

She ran, hoping that someone would have heard her, but when she felt a sharp pain in her back she collapsed to the ground. "I told you that you shouldn't run now I'll have to settle for my second option." 

Eret towered over her, Zia could see it in his eyes, Eret was looking for any trace of fear when all he was doing was making her angry. Schlatt's army soon joined him, "Schlatt wants her to die slowly, take her deep into the forest, tie her up, gag her, let the poison claim her life," Eret grinned evilly as he flinched away from Zia's stare. 

"You are so very dead Eret," Zia said darkly as her wrists were double bound, a rag was wrapped across her mouth and around her head so she could speak as she was dragged away. The forest darkened, no light shone and she knew they were far away from Pogtopia and the smp. 

The tied a rope around, her legs and tied the rope around her wrist to the tree. She hoped she could undo the ropes around her wrist. "Just in case," one of the assassins' said as the cold metal of a collar wrapped tightly around her throat, she could barely breath let alone make a sound. 

She then heard the rhythmic thumps of a metal peg being driven into the hard wood of the tree. She was then left alone. 

Tied to a tree, her hands were bound behind her back and he legs were bound. Even if she managed to get the ropes off her wrist she doubted that she would be able to get the chain off before she died. 

This was a good attempt, she thought as she calmed her racing heart and focused on escaping. But she knew that with every passing second without a potion the poison was slowly eating away at her from the inside out. 

If she didn't move quick enough, if no one found her, then she could easily lose her last 2 lives. 


Technoblade knew something was wrong. He was farming potatoes when he heard the voice of Zia yelled 'I want to form a Government! Governments are cool!" 

That was when Technoblade began sprinting, Zia would never say cool and governments or even wanting to start one in the same sentence unless she was talking about the destruction of a government.

He knew his friend was in trouble. 

"Oh no, what did you do now you dumb silver eyed bitch?" he asked no one in particular when he found her swords discarded on the ground, not even properly sheathed. He scanned the ground. Zia's foot size was unmistakable, she stood alone. 

Technoblade then found her flack of healing potion leaking into the Earth, with an arrow sticking out of it. He then counted the footprints that surrounded Zia's lone one in the center. 

Did she surrender?

Technoblade shuddered when thinking of that, the friend he knew would rather go down in flames but war was drawing near and he knew that without the potion to counter the poison in her system, he knew she knew that she couldn't fight 21 people.  

There wasn't a fight that was certain, there were no bodies and Zia would never go down without taking some with her so he knew that she would be trying to escape. 

"Techno! Technoblade!" Karl yelled as he ran towards him. 

"I'm a bit busy Karl," Techno said trying to throw off Dream's spy. 

"You're looking for Zia, Eret did this, she was ambushed by Eret and Schlatt's army, I don't know what happened to her after that," Karl said. 

Techno rolled his eyes under the pig bone mask, that wasn't useful information. Thunder gathered overhead, Techno knew he had to hurry if we were to find Zia, if the rain began he'd lose all the tracks and never find Zia. 

"I can assume Dream knows," Techno said and Karl nodded

"He's dealing with Eret," Karl replied as Techno briskly walked away. 

"Tell Dream, I'll let him know if I find her," Techno said as he tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach that his only true friend was dead. 

"Zia!" he yelled into the forest. "Silver bitch where are you?!" he yelled into the forest, if he had to he'd look all day, he'd look all night because Zia had shown him nothing but kindness, he had killed her brother and she still considered him a friend, he had yet to repay that kindness. 

"Techno! Techno what are you doing?" Tubbo asked as he approached" the blood god. Techno hung his head as he began calculating how long it would take Zia to die without a potion of healing. 

She wouldn't last the night.'

"Zia is missing, grab anyone you can and start looking, we don't have long, she'll lose her second life at night fall, she'll lose her third at dawn tomorrow," Technoblade as he walked into the forest. 

Thunder clapped and cool droplets of rain began to soak his cloak and the ground, he quickened his pace, the tracks he had been following of a small party leading deeper into the forest were vanishing as was the hope of finding Zia alive. 

He could hear voices yell her name behind him, Pogtopia had rallied to find her, they would need her in the upcoming war and Techno would need her if they were betrayed by Pogtopia. He realized time had begun to slip away.

Seconds, turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours and still the rain poured, he was drenched in water. "Have you found her yet?" the very distinct voice of George Not Found called out. 

"Zia!" Dream's grief, worry stricken cry rang out in the forest and Techno knew that Schlatt would be sitting in front of a fire, chugging his booze and laughing at the chaos. 

"She can't have vanished off the face of the Earth," Sapnap said as Techno heard voices search the trees next to him. 

Dusk was soon upon them.

A hand tapped Technoblade on the shoulder, "give me one good reason I shouldn't behead you Eret," Technoblade said.

"I had no choice, I'm spying on Manburg but the only way I could gain Schlatt's trust was to bring him Zia, dead or alive. I had no choice, I was peer pressured," Erets voice rang out, Techno hung his head as he thoroughly under stood the feeling.

"Where is she Eret?" Technoblade demanded as he noticed the missing crown on his head.

"I talked to the guards they tied her up in the depths of the forests for either the mobs or the poison will dispose of her... I'm sorry Techno," Eret said as he walked away. 

Techno fought back the urge to kill Eret except he began to run deeper into the forest. The mobs were easy to deal with, torches were useless in the rain but he had the ability to see in the dark, or at least make out figures. 

"Zia!" he yelled out, he couldn't hear the others anymore so he could assume that they had given up or he had gone farther away. 

Techno lit another torch, its light illuminated the dark but quickly went out but it allowed him to see the faint glint of an iron chain. 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now