Twenty - Five

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Tommy squirmed as he heard movement in the cave, he rubbed his eyes and sat up. Zia was tightening some armor and packing some food into a bag. It looked like she was leaving. "Hey Zia, where are you going?" Tommy asked. Zia held a black cloak and threw it around her shoulders, covering her head and face with a hood. 

Zia ignored him as slung her bag over her shoulders, "I'm going on a trip to the nether and some other places, I'll be back before anything serious happens" she said. Her silver eyes glowed with no emotion as she began to walk out of the cave

"You can't leave, we need you," Tommy pleaded, sure they had the blade but they still didn't know if Dream would help them and without Zia things would be more difficult.

"Not at this very moment you don't. Look, Tommy. I mean no offence but when it comes to fighting you and Wilbur suck. You think nothing through and rely on better people to help." It was as if her silver eyes shot arrows at him, Tommy lowered his head to the ground. Zia was right, she was always right, they always needed someone else to save them. 

Zia sighed, "And as one of those better people, I have to get ready for a potential 1 v 50 fight," she was gone after she said that. Tommy stood there for a few minutes. They didn't suck, they beat Dream the last time and they can beat Schlatt. He and Wilbur didn't need Zia... Did they?

He raced up the stairs to catch Zia but when he exited the ravine the silver eyed girl was gone. "Silver eyed bitch!" Tommy yelled into the early hours of the morning.

"You do know she's cut tongues out of men for calling her that," a voice said behind Tommy, Technoblade stood there leaning against the tree with his arms crossed. He supported Zia leaving because she was getting netherite for armor along with materials she needed to make potions and withers. 

"You call her a silver eyed bitch all the time," Tommy grumbled.

"It's  a term on endearment, she calls me Anar-bitch but seriously Tommy, I think she's had enough of fighting and just needs a break." Techno could see it, she was getting sick of killing people, she was getting fed up of fighting people she called friends. "A fight to the death with a stranger is completely different in comparison to slaying your own friends." Techno finished as he returned to the ravine. "If you don't need anything else, I'm going to farm potatoes."

Tommy didn't follow, instead he ran into the forest. He had to be careful, he could hear voices, he peaked around the tree and saw a band of five mercenaries sitting around the camp fire. "Hey Kid! We know you're there," one called out.

Tommy gulped as he stepped around the tree, "here take a seat," one offered patting to the log next to him. Tommy knew he should run but he also thought that he might get some information out of them. "Relax, we're only here to help Schlatt with the King slayer, nothing else." 

Tommy nervously sat down and they passed him some cooked pork chops, "so... Zia, it seems that you all want to kill her?" Tommy said and they all grinned at them. 

"We're sure as hell gonna try," one said enthusiastically. 

"The king slayers slayer or  silver eyed bitch killer," another said and they all burst out laughing. How could these guys be so bad?  Tommy wondered.

"Don't forget the million gold reward," another said.

"But kid, it's not about the glory or the reward that comes with killing that bitch - it's personal," one said darkly, laughs and cheers died down as the conversation became serious. 

"We all have a bone to pick with her, revenge."

"W-what did she do?" Tommy asked, it was strange, an army had shown up at their door, Zia and Schlatt have already tried to rip each other's throats out and she's best friends with Techno, just who was Zia? 

"Everyone's heard the legend of how she killed the King of Wrathdom and many other kings before him for being power hungry bastards. She's just like them." One said.

"How so?" Tommy then asked.

"Imagine being able to destroy armies, slay kings, burn villagers with no one to stand in your way." 

Tommy thought about it, invincibility. Dream had an obsession with control which was enforced by his ability to take down everyone, then there was Techno that was also unkillable. To have that kind of power would be intoxicating, nothing could stand in your way. 

"What the silver eyed bitch wants, she get's no matter what's in her way, Fang here, lost his whole family when she burned through his village. Dan was the only one to escape when he and his brothers tried to fight her. She's too powerful, she needs to die." 

Tommy stood, she was plain evil, it may not seem like it but Zia was just like Dream, power hungry. "S-so L'Manburg?" Tommy asked.

"Will easily become a town of broken dreams and blood if she is allowed to live," one of them said. "Yeah we understand why she over threw and burned down a lot of places because of their evil rulers but the innocent people that got in her way didn't deserve to die."

"You're never going to beat her if you meet her in open battle, not while she has two lives," Tommy said as he began to think, "she may not even fight you alone if you have nothing to lure her in."

"What are you thinking kid?" 

"If you get your men to leave Manburg, I'll make sure that she'll lose her second life and then I'll give you what you need to lure her into the fight that'll kill her." Tommy said. The mercenaries' eyes widened.

"Why are you helping us?"

"If what you say is true then Zia might destroy L'Manburg if she wanted to. She wouldn't blow it up, she'd slay the people and I can't let her kill my friends, I can't let her destroy L'Manburg."

"It's not a matter of might kid, she will." 

Tommy then walked away, how could he trust them?  They were a bunch of mercenaries but deep down he knew they were right. Zia was just as evil as Dream, maybe worse. 

No could beat her. Armies had tried and failed, she could easily destroy his home and friends and he wouldn't let that happened. She probably would have killed them already if it weren't for Tubbo.


If he found out Tommy had helped conspire Zia's murder... he'd never forgive him. Tommy just hoped that Tubbo would never find out. But first he had to figure out how to take her second life. 

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now