Forty - Five

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Quick a/n
I loved writing this chapter, its a long one
Please comment what you think
Id love some feedback

"Schlatt is dead, the war is over. GO HOME!" Zia snapped. The three largest mercenaries held Techno, Dream and Tubbo respectively. Techno and Dream were bound and unconscious whereas Tubbo was wide awake.

"Zia! Run!" Tubbo pleaded.

Tubbo stared wide eyed at Zia as she approached the army. "If you want your friends back you'll have to fight for them." The biggest grinned, Zia's eyes glowed red as she smiled at them madly.

"Tubbo, I told you about the game, I've played it far to long, it's time for me to end it."

Zia drew her twin blades, "Power and Freedom no matter what you win the results are always the same... Death," Tubbo screamed her name. Zia looked at him, she didn't want her brother to remember her as a monster, she didn't want him to see her covered in blood, standing on a pile of bodies. She turned and ran into the forest.

Tubbo wriggled out his bonds. "Techno! Dream! You have to help Zia! Wake up!" He screamed trying to shake their unconscious bodies awake as he pulled off their bonds, he could hear the sound of battle behind him. There were far to many for Zia to handle by herself.


"You could bring an army of hundred, a thousand even. I'll still be the last one standing. The stories will remember how it took a whole army to bring down the king slayer."
Zia snapped, she couldn't tell what she was doing or how she was moving she only saw each person as she cut them down. She gasped in pain as arrows sunk into her stomach and her back. She turned and fired a few arrows. An axe drove into her shoulder once she was distracted. She quickly killed her attacker. It was all a blur, she was struck by more arrows and cut just as much but the fire that coarsed through her veins was fueled by the ruin.

"This may be where I die but it'll be worth it, so come. Try and kill me." she screamed madly as she threw an ender pearl at the nearest person, she sliced their throat and moved onto the next person, it was a dangerous dance of blood and death.

It kept her from feeling the weakness the poison brought about, it distracted her from the pain until her attacks became rhythmic, falling into a pattern of killing.

Soon the last one fell.

When the battle fell silent, Tubbo ran into the forest screaming his sisters name. Bodies littered the ground everywhere but none had blue hair.

Tubbo then came to a clearing of flowers, Zia stood there breathing heavily, staring at the moon, her blades dangled in her hands loosely until she dropped them, she turned her head and smiled at him. Tubbo rushed over, she was covered in blood. Blood flowed from a gash on her head and shoulder, along with many other wounds. 12 arrows were scattered across her body but she stood there, giving him a tired smile, the crimson liquid gleamed in th moonlight.

"My last fight Tubbo, m-my last ruination."

She collapsed, dropping her swords. "Zia!" Tubbo yelled as he ran over to her.

Tubbo kneeled beside her, pulling her head into his lap, Zia winced in pain but smiled at him, "and so ends the story of the mighty king slayer," Zia said weakly as blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.

"No! No-one can beat you! You'll be fine! I'll get some help and you'll be fine." Tubbo said as tears began to flow down his face. She looked so tired, her face was caked with smeared blood and her silver eyes were dull but she still smiled at him. Tubbo didn't want Zia to die, he wanted her to watch him get stronger so she wouldn't have to protect him anymore, he didn't want her to die because of his faults.

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