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Silva Mist

"A girls best friend isn't a diamond... It's whatever she can use to stab someone."

The Story of The Grey Ghost

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The Story of The Grey Ghost

There are many legends in the world. The story of the blood god and his endless search for blood and the destruction of all forms of Government's. Then there is the King Slayer, known for the massacre's of over 100 kingdoms and only rotting skeletons of soldiers still in their armor are left to remind the world of her quest for power.

Then there is the Grey Ghost.

The legend is not known for the destruction of armies nor power. But the Grey Ghost is known for infiltrating any defense, taking whatever the Grey Ghost wants, whether it be a life or riches and simply vanishes leaving only an arrow to remember her by. 

Silva Mist is the name behind the Grey Ghost, after the slaughtering of her parents in a mob attack, she turned to the life of an outlaw to keep herself afloat. The life she lives is a lonely one and too many time she has been stabbed in the back by so call 'friends' and so 9 times out of 10 she's killed her friends.

The only exception is Zia, or rather the impossible to kill King Slayer. Silva's first and only friend. 


She never liked clashing swords with anyone, it always took too much effort to predict where she would have to maneuver to not get stabbed and stab her enemy instead of dying. She inhaled deeply and she pulled back the drawstring until the fletching of her bow gently tickled her cheek. When she released her breath the arrow flew. 

Silently the arrow cut through the cold night wind, her target was the new King of Wrathdom, the unsuspecting king wore full diamond armor but the Grey Ghost's bow was no ordinary bow. Like butter the arrow cut through the Kings chestplate, the inside of his body would be burning as the King let out a dying scream. 

As he fell from his horse, the Grey Ghost smiled, she now saw the enjoyment her King Slaying friend felt whenever she killed royalty. The King's body soon went still and Silva took this as her chance to leave the bush in which she had hid in. She triumphantly stood on the dying King's stomach and leaned down. "It was either me, the King Slayer or the Blood God that was going to kill you, you had this coming," she grinned. 

Silva smiled at the memory of the only friend she didn't kill. Her silver eyes were filled with the hunger for power and gleamed when her hands ran red with blood. That was until the two went their separate ways after 2 years of journeying around. Then there were the stories of the war between the blood god and the King Slayer about who could kill off the most king and/or governments. Silva became a mercenary that gave or took whatever she wanted making a name to be feared but not as well known as the Blood God or The King Slayer.

"d-dead," the dying king slowly rasped and he grinned at the Ghost. Silva shook her head as she applied more pressure to her foot that was dangerously close to her arrow that was stuck in his chest.

"what?" she snapped as she leaned closer.

"dead as a door nail, the King Slayer was finally killed by Schlatt's army," the king smirked as Silva drew another arrow and shot it into his throat and stared into the kings eyes until the light faded and his spirit gone. 

She continued to stare at the dead body. Silva didn't want to believe a dead man's words, she did not want to believe that her only friend was dead. " What the fuck?! If that silver eyed bitch has gotten herself killed I swear imma drag her dead ass out of the grave and slap her," She whistled into the night and a black stallion raced out from the darkness. 

The horse didn't stop as it neared his master, Silva pulled herself into the saddle as the horse ran by. She recalled everything she knew about her friend. She had a brother named Tubbo, a lover that went by the name Dream and she came from the Dream smp which was South of Wrathdom. 

"Thrain, run like a 1000 dragons are behind us," She had never urged her horse to run that fast but she had to see if the King Slayer was dead for herself. "Ok Zia has definitely been here,"  she said to herself as she came to a village built into the side of the crater. 

Silva dismounted and her horse disappeared again. She saw wanted posters of a man with cherry blossom hair, a skull mask, wearing royal clothing plastered all over town. She assumed that this was the work of both the blood god and King Slayer. 

" Hello are you new?"  a voice called out behind her, Silva quickly drew her bow and aimed an arrow at the boy in a tuxedo and small horns. 

"who are you? where am I?"  she demanded.

"My name is Tubbo, this is L' Manburg and I'm the president,"  he smiled. Silva lowered her arrow and sighed.

"Zia's brother?"  she asked him.

Tubbo looked to the ground, "yeah, I was,"  he mumbled, "how do you know her?" 

"We were good friends your sister and I, she was one of the few I didn't kill and I was one of few that didn't want her dead,"  she grinned, "the name is Silva Mist and I have a bone to pick with Zia."  

An arrow whizzed by her face. " Tubbo get away, that's the Grey Ghost!"  Quackity screamed at Tubbo. 

"Long time no see quacky boy," she said drawing an arrow and firing at Quackity as he charged towards her with an axe drawn. Silva easily flipped over Quackity and struck his leg with an arrow, rendering Quackity unable to walk. 

"I'm not here to kill anyone, I'm just looking for a silver eyed with with blueish hair, have you seen her?" Silva asked as Tubbo helped Quackity to stand.

"The King Slayer is dead,"  Quackity snapped and judging by the look on Silva's face he knew that he hit a soft spot, "hear that bitch, the Silver eyed one is dead,"  Quackity screamed. 

Silva soon found herself surrounded. "fuck this shit I'm out,"  she sang as she jumped into the crater and began running across it towards taller towers. The people behind her were firing arrows towards her. 

She was soon pulled into an alley way where a man in a smiley faced mask and a green hoodie told her to be quiet. " You're Dream aren't you,"  Silva said as she crossed her arms, "now where the fuck is Zia, it's almost impossible to kill her so I won't believe till I see a grave,"  she said. 

"I guess you must be Silva, Zia mentioned you once or twice,"  Dream sighed as his hand ran along the scarf on his neck. "You can't be here at the moment, for some reason, L'Manburg wants you dead," Dream said as he handed her a map. "Follow this map, there's a friend of Zia's that will help you,"  and before Silva could say anything the masked man disappeared.

"Typical of the silver eyed bitch, there's chaos wherever her named is mentioned,"  Silva scowled as she glanced over the map and began to run. 

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