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With every second she spent hidden in the tree she became heavier, the cold rain soaked her cloak and chilled her to the bone. But the money was worth it. "Piss Off!" she heard someone yell over the deafening rain drops. 

Silva shook her head there were only meant to be five people out here tonight, five mercenaries that had just killed the lord of the nearby kingdom of grey haven and a bounty was issued for their heads. The coal she used as a mask dripped down her face, she didn't care what she look like in the light because darkness was her only friend. 

She could see 6 figures huddled in a cave, one tied up and the other five warming themselves near the fire. She balanced herself on the branch and with a steady breath notched an arrow to her bow. She pulled back the string and held her breath. She let the arrow fly. 

It neatly wedged into the mercenary closest to the entrance to the cave. "Shit we've been followed," one of the remaining mercenaries said as they drew their weapons, three swordsman and a singular bowman. 

"The fucking grey ghost," one of them spat as they pulled the arrow from their dead comrade. The grey fletching on the arrow was the mark of the ghost.

"Better her than the Kingslayer," another said monotonously, "either way, we're fucking dead." 

Not even a splash was heard as Silva dropped from the tree, she notched two arrows that time and they flew perfectly despite the rain. Two more dropped dead as the archer shot a random arrow into the night. 

Silva caught the arrow and returned it and quickly shot the last one as she made her way over to the cave. Her eyebrows were raised at the Elytrian that sat gagged and tied, most likely about to be killed for the majestic black wings on the mans back. 

Silva cut him free, "thanks mate," he said as he rubbed his wrist and stood up, "the names Phil, Philza Minecraft," he introduced but Silva said nothing except stared back out into the rain, contemplating whether to risk catching a cold or worse in the bad weather. 

"So have you got a name?" he asked.

"No one's business," she said coldly. 

"Okay, not the talkative type, my son is like that, he's part piglin, incredibly strong and good with a sword, immune to fire," he said trying to make small talk with the stranger that saved his life. 

"Did I ask?" She said coldly once again as she held her hand out to catch the rapidly falling droplets. 

"You know you could just stay here the night, the cave is big enough for two, there's a fire and those bastard mercenaries won't bother us," he said and Silva sighed as she pulled her hood off to reveal her soaked silver hair as it lay soggy in its plait. 

The first thing that caught Phil's eye were the slightly pointed ears. "You're one of the magic folk, I thought you were extinct," he said.

Silva quickly pulled her hood up, "could say the thing about Elytrians," she said as she stood out in the rain after taking the swords of the dead mercenaries. "Besides, my kind lost their magic a long time ago," Silva said as she began to walk away. 

"Wait!" Phil called out but she was already gone. 


"Silva!" Techno called out to her, snapping her out of the memory that crossed her mind. There was meant to be magic in her veins, magic that came with knowledge but that knowledge was long dead so what did it matter. "You spaced out a little there, you okay?" Technoblade asked as they neared the cottage, thankfully the snow had stopped and it was easy to unload the horses and put them in their stalls. 

"Yeah, just a memory," Silva said after not answering Technoblade's question for a good ten minutes. 

As they entered the cottage something was off, the lights were on and the smell of food, no matter how much it made their mouths water, set them on edge. Techno drew a sword as Silva readied an arrow, the two nodded each other as they jumped into the kitchen.

"I'm friendly," Phil screamed with his hands in the air.

"Phil I could have killed you," Techno yelled as Silva left the kitchen to hang her bow and quiver at the door and wipe the charcoal from her eyes, revealing the freckles. 

Silva walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "Hey I know you," Philza said as Techno sat beside Philza.

"Oh its you," Silva said with no emotion in her voice.

"Wait. You two know each other?" Technoblade asked.

"Save him from some mercenaries a few years back in the forests outside grey haven," she said like it was no big deal.

"And without the save I'd be wingless and dead... so are you two friends?" Phil asked, practically screaming on the inside at the concept that Technoblade the most anti-social person he knew had made a friend on his own. 

"More like a friend of a friend but yeah I guess we are friends," Silva said as she looked to Technoblade for confirmation. She smiled as Technoblade nodded his head as Phil served the two a bow of rabbit stew. 

"hmm there's been something I've been meaning to ask you," Technoblade said as he got up, went upstairs, grabbed a book and came back down. "It's Elytrian, I cannot read it," Technoblade said as he slid the book to Philza. 

Philza's face immediately went dark. "Where did you find this?" he asked, his breath was shaking, whatever he was reading wasn't good. 

"I found it in a stronghold, so... Zia killed the ender dragon and should have a fourth life and seeing that she's still 6 foot under, I'm thinking it was a scam or something that was lost in the fine print," Technoblade said as Philza skimmed through the book. 

"She'll have a fourth life alright, a cursed life, why do you think I've never gone back to the end, to protect the overworld from the fucking dragon," Philza said. As he laid the book out. "If this book is right Zia should be back in the next end cycle but she'll be a slave to the ender dragon, most likely she'll be making end crystals and trying to find a portal to the end so she can free the dragon. 

"But she killed it, right," Techno said.

"It's not like that, it's a trick, killing the dragon gives the slayer added speed and strength which the dragon willingly gives them in-exchange the dragon will have full command over the person when their third life is used up," Silva said. 

"Then how do we kill the dragon?" Technoblade asked and Philza looked to Silva. 

"The magic folk were protectors of the overworld, with knowledge on how to use the magic in this world to kill the dragon, a magic that is lost," Silva explained.

"So that's it the world we know it is over," Technoblade said. 

"Not exactly, this can be stopped but you may not like it," Philza said.

"What do we have to do?" Technoblade asked.

"Zia was killed a 2 months ago, yeah? Well then to stop the dragon, we stop the pawn, so we kill Zia before she can free dragon.... not to mention she'll be at full strength again, if not stronger." Phil explained.

Silva and Technoblade looked at each other. "We're gonna need an army."

"Because killing the King Slayer is nearly impossible."

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